- :私たちは、新しいノード間のすべての古いエッジ追加。
- この新しいグラフはまだDAGです。
この問題を解決する1つの方法は、整数線形計画法(ILP)を使用することです。レッツは、問題の決定版に取り組む:与えられた、サイズのDAGを取得する契約同色の頂点への道があり≤ kは?
整数線形プログラムとしてこれを表現するために、整数変数導入各頂点のためのVの頂点のラベル表現するために、Vを。不平等追加1 ≤ ℓ V ≤ kは。
次のステップは、縮約されたグラフがDAGでなければならないという要件を表現することです。上記の形式のラベルがあり、一般性を失うことなく、ラベルが縮約グラフでトポロジカルソートを引き起こすようなラベルが存在することに注意してください(つまり、縮約グラフでがwの前にある場合、vのラベルwのラベルよりも小さい)。したがって、元のグラフの各エッジv → wに対して、vとwのラベルと色が同じであるか、vのラベルがwのラベルより小さいという制約を追加します。具体的には、各エッジv初期グラフで V 、Wと同じ色を有するが、不等式追加 ℓのV ≤ ℓをwは。各エッジ用の V → Wここで、V 、Wを有する異なる色は、不等式追加 ℓのV < ℓ Wは。
イントロ:最初の私は減少しますモノトーン3SATの我々の問題に問題が。けれどもモノトーン3SATの問題は自明充足、私たちの問題はさらに解決することができる最小の真のモノトーン3SATの NP困難であるという問題を、。したがって、この問題はNPハードです。
node labeled . (click image for full view)
After this step, we should have nodes.
Now, if , and get contracted, will result in a cycle.
Here is another visualization, unrolling the clause constraint:
Thus, each clause constraint requires that at least one of the variables it contains remain uncontracted; since the uncontracted nodes are valued as true, this requires that one of the variables be true; exactly what Monotone SAT requires for its clauses.
Monotone 3SAT is trivially satisfiable; you can simply set all the variables to true.
However, since our DAG minimization problem is to find the most contractions, this translates to finding the satisfying assignment that produces the most false variables in our CNF; which is the same as finding the minimum true variables. This problem is sometimes called Minimum True Monotone 3SAT or here (as an optimization problem, or decision problem), or k-True Monotone 2SAT (as a weaker decision problem); both NP-hard problems. Thus our problem is NP-hard.
Graph sources:
With each replacement (except for direct-parent-child replacements), you add new ancestor-descendant relationships that make it non-trivial to determine which one is actually worth it in the long-term. Therefore, a simple greedy algorithm will fail in the general case. However, if you do a brute-force approach, you can determine the smallest graph:
Python-ish (not tested):
def play((V,E),F,sequence=[]):
(V,E) -- a dag.
V -- a set of vertices.
E -- a set of directed-edge-tuples.
F -- a function that takes a vertex, returns an integer.
sequence -- the sequence of moved taken so far; starts with/defaults to
an empty list, will contain tuples of the form (x,y)
where x is removed and replaced with y.
Returns the best recursively found solution.
#find all the integer values in the graph, remember which
# values correspond to what vertices. Of the form {integer => {vertices}}.
n2v = {}
for x in V:
n = F(x)
#for each integer, make sure you have a set to put the vertices in.
if n not in n2v:
n2v[n] = set()
#for each integer, add the vertex to the equivalent set.
#record the best sequence/solution. You start with the current sequence,
# and see if you can obtain anything better.
best_solution = list(sequence)
#Now you will try to combine a single pair of vertices, obtain a new
# graph and then recursively play the game again from that graph.
#for each integer and equivalent set of vertices,
for n,vset in n2v.iteritems():
#pick a pair of vertices
for x in vset:
for y in vset:
#no point if they are the same.
if x == y:
#If there is a path from x => y or y => x, then you will be
# introducing a cycle, breaking a rule. So in that case, disregard
# this pair.
#However, the exception is when one is a direct child of the other;
# in that case you can safely combine the vertices.
if pathtest((V,E),x,y) and (x,y) not in E and (x,y) not in E:
#combine the vertices (function is defined below), discard x,
# replace it with y, obtain the new graph, (V',E').
Vp,Ep = combine_vertex((V,E),x,y))
#record the sequence for this move.
sequencep = list(sequence) + [(x,y)]
#recurse and play the game from this new graph.
solution = play(Vp,Ep,F,sequencep)
#if the returned solution is better than the current best,
if len(solution) > len(best_solution):
#record the new best solution
best_solution = solution
#return the best recorded solution
return best_solution
def combine_vertex((V0,E0),x,y):
(V0,E0) -- an initial digraph.
V0 -- a set of vertices.
E0 -- a set of directed-edge-tuples.
x -- vertex to discard.
y -- vertex to replace it with.
returns a new digraph replacing all relationships to and from x to relate
to y instead, and removing x from the graph entirely.
#the final vertex set will have everything except x
V = set(V0)
#now you construct the edge set.
E = set()
#for every edge,
for (u0,v0) in E0:
#recreate the edge in the new graph, but replace any occurence
# of x.
u,v = u0,v0
#if x is in the edge: replace it
if u == x:
u = y
if v == x:
v == y
#sometimes u=v=y and can now be pointing to itself, don't add that
# edge
if u == v:
#add the new/replaced edge into the edge-set.
E.add( (u,v) )
return (V,E)
I am not sure if it really a hard problem, but playing with some graphs manually, it seems very combinatorial. I am curious if something difficult can be reduced to this problem, or if there is an algorithm with better running time.