













私のマシンタイミングは私のマシンで実行されます。これは、8GB AMD FX-8350 8コアプロセッサへの標準のUbuntuインストールです。これは、コードを実行できる必要があることも意味します。


  • それより前にメモリが不足し始めない限り、2分後にコードを強制終了します。したがって、カットオフの前に必ず何かを出力する必要があります。
  • 素数の外部ソースを使用することはできません。
  • Megoによると、Miller-Rabinは341,550,071,728,321(またはそれ以上)まで確定的にテストできるといいますが、確率的プライムテスト方法を使用できます。http://miller-rabin.appspot.com/参照してください


  • Goの猫による756
  • 756 by El'endia Starman in Python
  • C#の Adnanによる1932年(mono 3.2.8を使用)
  • Pythonの Yetiによる2640(pypy 4.01を使用)
  • C ++の Reto Koradiによる2754
  • Javaの Peter Taylorによる3486
  • RPythonの primoによる3900(pypy 4.01を使用)
  • Javaのコーダーによる4176


  • 14226 by C ++の Reto Koradi
  • 22596にプリモによってRPython(pypy 4.01を使用して)。5秒後に記録に達しました!

この定義は、セーフプライムの定義に似ており、5 = 2 * 2 +1を除き、すべてのセーフプライムは「良いプライム」です。(13 = 2 * 2 * 3 + 1のような安全な素数ではない良い素数がありますが、これはチャレンジには役に立たないと思います。)






RPython(PyPy 4.0.1)、4032

RPythonはPythonの制限されたサブセットであり、Cに変換してからRPython Toolchainを使用してコンパイルできます。その表現された目的は、言語インタープリターの作成を支援することですが、単純なプログラムのコンパイルにも使用できます。

コンパイルするには、現在のPyPyソース(PyPy 4.0.1)をダウンロードして、次を実行します。

$ pypy /pypy-4.0.1-src/rpython/bin/rpython --opt=3 good-primes.py




37>      n += o
38>      if n not in sieve:


「良さ」チェックでは、最初に2のすべての因子がn-1から削除され(n-1 & 1-n)ます。これは、ビット調整のハックを使用して、除数である最大の2のべき乗を見つけます。ので、P-1であっても、任意の素数のために必然的にP> 2、その次の2が異なる素因数のいずれかでなければなりません。残っているものはis_prime_power関数に送信され、その名前が示すとおりに機能します。値が素数であるかどうかのチェックは「ほとんど自由」です。これは、最大でO(log p n)操作で素数チェックと同時に行われるためです。ここで、pnの最小素因数です。試行分割は少しナイーブに思えるかもしれませんが、私のテストでは、2 32未満の値に対する最速の方法です。ふるいからホイールを再利用することで少し節約できます。特に:

59>      while p*p < n:
60>        for o in offsets:

長さ48のホイールを反復処理することによりp*p < n、追加のモジュロ演算が48を超えない低価格で、チェックが数千回スキップされます。また、オッズのみをとって50%ではなく、全候補の77%以上をスキップします。


3588 (987417437 - 987413849) 60.469000s
3900 (1123404923 - 1123401023) 70.828000s
3942 (1196634239 - 1196630297) 76.594000s
4032 (1247118179 - 1247114147) 80.625000s
4176 (1964330609 - 1964326433) 143.047000s
4224 (2055062753 - 2055058529) 151.562000s


# primes less than 212
small_primes = [
    2,  3,  5,  7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,
   41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,

# pre-calced sieve of eratosthenes for n = 2, 3, 5, 7
# distances between sieve values, starting from 211
offsets = [
  10, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6,
   6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 8, 4, 2, 4,
   2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 6,
   4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2,10, 2]

# tabulated, mod 105
dindices =[
  0,10, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0,
  0, 6, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 2,
  0, 6, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 2,
  0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2,
  0, 6, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 2, 0, 6, 2,
  0, 6, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 8,
  0, 0, 2, 0,10, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 2]

def primes(start = 0):
  for n in small_primes[start:]: yield n
  pg = primes(6)
  p = pg.next()
  q = p*p
  sieve = {221: 13, 253: 11}
  n = 211
  while True:
    for o in offsets:
      n += o
      stp = sieve.pop(n, 0)
      if stp:
        nxt = n/stp
        nxt += dindices[nxt%105]
        while nxt*stp in sieve: nxt += dindices[nxt%105]
        sieve[nxt*stp] = stp
        if n < q:
          yield n
          sieve[q + dindices[p%105]*p] = p
          p = pg.next()
          q = p*p

def is_prime_power(n):
  for p in small_primes:
    if n%p == 0:
      n /= p
      while n%p == 0: n /= p
      return n == 1
  p = 211
  while p*p < n:
    for o in offsets:
      p += o
      if n%p == 0:
        n /= p
        while n%p == 0: n /= p
        return n == 1
  return n > 1

def main(argv):
  from time import time
  t0 = time()
  m = 0
  p = q = 7
  pgen = primes(3)

  for n in pgen:
    d = (n-1 & 1-n)
    if is_prime_power(n/d):
      p, q = q, n
      if q-p > m:
        m = q-p
        print m, "(%d - %d) %fs"%(q, p, time()-t0)

  return 0

def target(*args):
  return main, None

if __name__ == '__main__':
  from sys import argv

RPython(PyPy 4.0.1)、22596




6420 (12519586667324027 - 12519586667317607) 0.364000s
6720 (707871808582625903 - 707871808582619183) 0.721000s
8880 (626872872579606869 - 626872872579597989) 0.995000s
10146 (1206929709956703809 - 1206929709956693663) 4.858000s
22596 (918415168400717543 - 918415168400694947) 8.797000s

コンパイル時には64ビット整数が使用されますが、2〜3個の整数をオーバーフローなしで追加できると想定されていますが、実際には63個しか使用できません。有効な62ビットに達すると、計算のオーバーフローを避けるために、現在の値が2倍になります。結果は、その上の値を介して、スクリプトシャッフル2 60 - 2 62の範囲。ネイティブの整数精度を超えないため、解釈時にスクリプトが高速になります。

次のPARI / GPスクリプトを使用して、この結果を確認できます。

isgoodprime(n) = isprime(n) && omega(n-1)==2

for(n = 918415168400694947, 918415168400717543, {
  if(isgoodprime(n), print(n" is a good prime"))

  from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_int64

  from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lltype import SignedLongLongLong
  from rpython.translator.c.primitive import PrimitiveType

  # check if the compiler supports long long longs
  if SignedLongLongLong in PrimitiveType:

    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlonglong

    def mul_mod(a, b, m):
      return r_int64(r_longlonglong(a)*b%m)


    from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint

    def mul_mod(a, b, m):
      biga = rbigint.fromrarith_int(a)
      bigb = rbigint.fromrarith_int(b)
      bigm = rbigint.fromrarith_int(m)

      return biga.mul(bigb).mod(bigm).tolonglong()

  # modular exponentiation b**e (mod m)
  def pow_mod(b, e, m):
    r = 1
    while e:
      if e&1: r = mul_mod(b, r, m)
      e >>= 1
      b = mul_mod(b, b, m)
    return r


  import sys

  r_int64 = int
  if sys.maxint == 2147483647:
    mul_mod = lambda a, b, m: a*b%m
    mul_mod = lambda a, b, m: int(a*b%m)
  pow_mod = pow

# legendre symbol (a|m)
# note: returns m-1 if a is a non-residue, instead of -1
def legendre(a, m):
  return pow_mod(a, (m-1) >> 1, m)

# strong probable prime
def is_sprp(n, b=2):
  if n < 2: return False
  d = n-1
  s = 0
  while d&1 == 0:
    s += 1
    d >>= 1

  x = pow_mod(b, d, n)
  if x == 1 or x == n-1:
    return True

  for r in xrange(1, s):
    x = mul_mod(x, x, n)
    if x == 1:
      return False
    elif x == n-1:
      return True

  return False

# lucas probable prime
# assumes D = 1 (mod 4), (D|n) = -1
def is_lucas_prp(n, D):
  Q = (1-D) >> 2

  # n+1 = 2**r*s where s is odd
  s = n+1
  r = 0
  while s&1 == 0:
    r += 1
    s >>= 1

  # calculate the bit reversal of (odd) s
  # e.g. 19 (10011) <=> 25 (11001)
  t = r_int64(0)
  while s:
    if s&1:
      t += 1
      s -= 1
      t <<= 1
      s >>= 1

  # use the same bit reversal process to calculate the sth Lucas number
  # keep track of q = Q**n as we go
  U = 0
  V = 2
  q = 1
  # mod_inv(2, n)
  inv_2 = (n+1) >> 1
  while t:
    if t&1:
      # U, V of n+1
      U, V = mul_mod(inv_2, U + V, n), mul_mod(inv_2, V + mul_mod(D, U, n), n)
      q = mul_mod(q, Q, n)
      t -= 1
      # U, V of n*2
      U, V = mul_mod(U, V, n), (mul_mod(V, V, n) - 2 * q) % n
      q = mul_mod(q, q, n)
      t >>= 1

  # double s until we have the 2**r*sth Lucas number
  while r:
    U, V = mul_mod(U, V, n), (mul_mod(V, V, n) - 2 * q) % n
    q = mul_mod(q, q, n)
    r -= 1

  # primality check
  # if n is prime, n divides the n+1st Lucas number, given the assumptions
  return U == 0

# primes less than 212
small_primes = [
    2,  3,  5,  7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,
   41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,

# pre-calced sieve of eratosthenes for n = 2, 3, 5, 7
indices = [
    1, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
   53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,101,103,

# distances between sieve values
offsets = [
  10, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6,
   6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 8, 4, 2, 4,
   2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 6,
   4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2,10, 2]

bit_lengths = [
  0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007,
  0x0000000F, 0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F,
  0x000000FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF,
  0x00000FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF,
  0x0000FFFF, 0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF,
  0x000FFFFF, 0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF,
  0x00FFFFFF, 0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF,

max_int = 2147483647

# returns the index of x in a sorted list a
# or the index of the next larger item if x is not present
# i.e. the proper insertion point for x in a
def binary_search(a, x):
  s = 0
  e = len(a)
  m = e >> 1
  while m != e:
    if a[m] < x:
      s = m
      m = (s + e + 1) >> 1
      e = m
      m = (s + e) >> 1
  return m

def log2(n):
  hi = n >> 32
  if hi:
    return binary_search(bit_lengths, hi) + 32
  return binary_search(bit_lengths, n)

# integer sqrt of n
def isqrt(n):
  c = n*4/3
  d = log2(c)

  a = d>>1
  if d&1:
    x = r_int64(1) << a
    y = (x + (n >> a)) >> 1
    x = (r_int64(3) << a) >> 2
    y = (x + (c >> a)) >> 1

  if x != y:
    x = y
    y = (x + n/x) >> 1
    while y < x:
      x = y
      y = (x + n/x) >> 1
  return x

# integer cbrt of n
def icbrt(n):
  d = log2(n)

  if d%3 == 2:
    x = r_int64(3) << d/3-1
    x = r_int64(1) << d/3

  y = (2*x + n/(x*x))/3
  if x != y:
    x = y
    y = (2*x + n/(x*x))/3
    while y < x:
      x = y
      y = (2*x + n/(x*x))/3
  return x

## Baillie-PSW ##
# this is technically a probabalistic test, but there are no known pseudoprimes
def is_bpsw(n):
  if not is_sprp(n, 2): return False

  # idea shamelessly stolen from Mathmatica's PrimeQ
  # if n is a 2-sprp and a 3-sprp, n is necessarily square-free
  if not is_sprp(n, 3): return False

  a = 5
  s = 2
  # if n is a perfect square, this will never terminate
  while legendre(a, n) != n-1:
    s = -s
    a = s-a
  return is_lucas_prp(n, a)

# an 'almost certain' primality check
def is_prime(n):
  if n < 212:
    m = binary_search(small_primes, n)
    return n == small_primes[m]

  for p in small_primes:
    if n%p == 0:
      return False

  # if n is a 32-bit integer, perform full trial division
  if n <= max_int:
    p = 211
    while p*p < n:
      for o in offsets:
        p += o
        if n%p == 0:
          return False
    return True

  return is_bpsw(n)

# next prime strictly larger than n
def next_prime(n):
  if n < 2:
    return 2

  # first odd larger than n
  n = (n + 1) | 1
  if n < 212:
    m = binary_search(small_primes, n)
    return small_primes[m]

  # find our position in the sieve rotation via binary search
  x = int(n%210)
  m = binary_search(indices, x)
  i = r_int64(n + (indices[m] - x))

  # adjust offsets
  offs = offsets[m:] + offsets[:m]
  while True:
    for o in offs:
      if is_prime(i):
        return i
      i += o

# true if n is a prime power > 0
def is_prime_power(n):
  if n > 1:
    for p in small_primes:
      if n%p == 0:
        n /= p
        while n%p == 0: n /= p
        return n == 1

    r = isqrt(n)
    if r*r == n:
      return is_prime_power(r)

    s = icbrt(n)
    if s*s*s == n:
      return is_prime_power(s)

    p = r_int64(211)
    while p*p < r:
      for o in offsets:
        p += o
        if n%p == 0:
          n /= p
          while n%p == 0: n /= p
          return n == 1

    if n <= max_int:
      while p*p < n:
        for o in offsets:
          p += o
          if n%p == 0:
            return False
      return True

    return is_bpsw(n)
  return False

def next_good_prime(n):
  n = next_prime(n)
  d = (n-1 & 1-n)
  while not is_prime_power(n/d):
    n = next_prime(n)
    d = (n-1 & 1-n)
  return n

def main(argv):
  from time import time
  t0 = time()

  if len(argv) > 1:
    n = r_int64(int(argv[1]))
    n = r_int64(7)

  if len(argv) > 2:
    limit = int(argv[2])
    limit = 10

  m = 0
  e = 1
  q = n
    while True:
      e += 1
      p, q = q, next_good_prime(q)
      if q-p > m:
        m = q-p
        print m, "(%d - %d) %fs"%(q, p, time()-t0)
        n, q = p, n+p
        if log2(q) > 61:
          q >>= 2
        e = 1
        q = next_good_prime(q)
      elif e > limit:
        n, q = p, n+p
        if log2(q) > 61:
          q >>= 2
        e = 1
        q = next_good_prime(q)
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
  return 0

def target(*args):
  return main, None

if __name__ == '__main__':
  from sys import argv





22596(918415168400717543-918415168400694947)4.786576s :)




2、3、および5の例外を除いて、すべての素数は2 * 3 * 5 = 60に互いに素であることが非常に明白です。 16件。

しかし、「良い」素数を探しているときは、群れをさらに薄くすることができます。の場合gcd(x, 60) = 1、ほとんどの場合gcd(x-1, 60)、6または10であることがわかります。6つの値がありx、その値は2です。

17, 23, 29, 47, 53, 59

そこで我々は、フォームの「良い」素数を事前に計算することができます2^a 3^b + 1し、2^a 5^b + 1とだけでもと数字の10%を考慮プライム発電の結果にそれらをマージ可能性素数。





987417437 - 987413849 = 3588
1123404923 - 1123401023 = 3900
1196634239 - 1196630297 = 3942
1247118179 - 1247114147 = 4032


1964330609 - 1964326433 = 4176
2055062753 - 2055058529 = 4224
2160258917 - 2160254627 = 4290


import java.util.*;

public class PPCG65876 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long[] specials = genSpecials();
        int nextSpecialIdx = 0;
        long nextSpecial = specials[nextSpecialIdx];
        long p = 59;
        long bestGap = 2;

        for (long L = 1; true; L += B) {

            long[][] buf = new long[6][B >> 6];
            int[] Lmodqq = new int[qqtab.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < Lmodqq.length; i++) Lmodqq[i] = (int)(L % qqtab[i]);

            for (long[] arr : buf) Arrays.fill(arr, -1); // TODO Can probably get a minor optimisation by inverting this
            for (int[] parms : elliptic) traceElliptic(buf[parms[0]], parms[1], parms[2], parms[3] - L, parms[4], parms[5], Lmodqq, totients[parms[0]]);
            for (int[] parms : hyperbolic) traceHyperbolic(buf[parms[0]], parms[1], parms[2], parms[3] - L, Lmodqq, totients[parms[0]]);

            // We need to filter down to squarefree numbers.
            long pg_base = L * M;
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 247, 1, 38);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 253, 1, 38);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 257, 1, 38);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 263, 1, 38);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 241, 0, 2);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 251, 0, 2);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 259, 0, 2);
            squarefreeMid(buf, invTotients, pg_base, 269, 0, 2);

            // Turn bitmasks into primes
            long[] page = new long[150000]; // TODO This can almost certainly be smaller
            long[] transpose = new long[6];
            for (int j = 0, off = 0; j < (B >> 6); j++) {
                // Reduce cache locality problems by transposing.
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) transpose[k] = buf[k][j];
                for (long mask = 1L; mask != 0; mask <<= 1) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
                        if ((transpose[k] & mask) == 0) page[off++] = pg_base + totients[k];

                    pg_base += M;

            // Insert specials and look for gaps.
            for (long q : page) {
                if (q == 0) break;

                // Do we need to insert one or more specials?
                while (nextSpecial < q) {
                    if (nextSpecial - p > bestGap) {
                        bestGap = nextSpecial - p;
                        System.out.format("%d - %d = %d\n", nextSpecial, p, bestGap);

                    p = nextSpecial;
                    nextSpecial = specials[++nextSpecialIdx];

                if (isGood(q)) {
                    if (q - p > bestGap) {
                        bestGap = q - p;
                        System.out.format("%d - %d = %d\n", q, p, bestGap);

                    p = q;


    static long[] genSpecials() {
        // 2^a 3^b + 1 or 2^a 5^b + 1
        List<Long> tmp = new LinkedList<Long>();
        for (long threes = 3; threes <= 4052555153018976267L; threes *= 3) {
            for (long t = threes; t > 0; t <<= 1) tmp.add(t + 1);
        for (long fives = 5; fives <= 7450580596923828125L; fives *= 5) {
            for (long f = fives; f > 0; f <<= 1) tmp.add(f + 1);

        // Filter down to primes
        Iterator<Long> it = tmp.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            long next = it.next();
            if (next < 60 || next > 341550071728321L || !isPrime(next)) it.remove();

        long[] specials = new long[tmp.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) specials[i] = tmp.get(i);

        return specials;

    private static boolean isGood(long p) {
        long d = p - 1;
        while ((d & 1) == 0) d >>= 1;

        if (d == 1) return false;

        // Is d a prime power?
        if (d % 3 == 0 || d % 5 == 0) {
            // Because of the way the filters before this one work, nothing should reach here.
            throw new RuntimeException("Should be unreachable");

        // TODO Is it preferable to reuse the Atkin-Bernstein code, caching pages which correspond
        // to the possible power candidates?
        if (isPrime(d)) return true;
        for (int a = (d % 60 == 1 || d % 60 == 49) ? 2 : 3; (1L << a) < d; a++) {
            long r = (long)(0.5 + Math.pow(d, 1. / a));
            if (d == (long)(0.5 + Math.pow(r, a)) && isPrime(r)) return true;

        return false;

               Deterministic Miller-Rabin
    public static boolean isPrime(int x) {
        // See isPrime(long). We pick bases which are known to work for the entire range of int.
        // Special case for the bases.
        if (x == 2 || x == 7 || x == 61) return true;

        int d = x - 1;
        int s = 0;
        while ((d & 1) == 0) { s++; d >>= 1; } // TODO Can be optimised

        if (!isSPRP(2, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (!isSPRP(7, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (!isSPRP(61, d, s, x)) return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean isSPRP(int b, int d, int s, int x /* == d << s */) {
        int l = modPow(b, d, x);
        if (l == 1 || l == x - 1) return true;
        for (int r = 1; r < s; r++) {
            l = modPow(l, 2, x);
            if (l == x - 1) return true;
            if (l == 1) return false;

        return false;

    public static int modPow(int a, int b, int c) {
        int accum = 1;
        while (b > 0) {
            if ((b & 1) == 1) accum = (int)(accum * (long)a % c);
            a = (int)(a * (long)a % c);
            b >>= 1;
        return accum;

    public static boolean isPrime(long x) {
        if (x < Integer.MAX_VALUE) return isPrime((int)x);

        long d = x - 1;
        int s = 0;
        while ((d & 1) == 0) { s++; d >>= 1; } // TODO Can be optimised

        // If b^d == 1 (mod x) or (b^d)^(2^r) == -1 (mod x) for some r < s then we pass for base b.
        // We select bases according to Jaeschke, Gerhard (1993), "On strong pseudoprimes to several bases", Mathematics of Computation 61 (204): 915–926, doi:10.2307/2153262
        // TODO Would it be better to use a set of 5 bases from http://miller-rabin.appspot.com/ ?
        if (!isSPRP(2, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (!isSPRP(3, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (!isSPRP(5, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (!isSPRP(7, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (x < 3215031751L) return true;
        if (!isSPRP(11, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (x < 2152302898747L) return true;
        if (!isSPRP(13, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (x < 3474749660383L) return true;
        if (!isSPRP(17, d, s, x)) return false;
        if (x < 341550071728321L) return true;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overflow");

    private static boolean isSPRP(long b, long d, int s, long x /* == d << s */) {
        if (b * (double)x > Long.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overflow"); // TODO Work out more precise page bounds

        long l = modPow(b, d, x);
        if (l == 1 || l == x - 1) return true;
        for (int r = 1; r < s; r++) {
            l = modPow(l, 2, x);
            if (l == x - 1) return true;
            if (l == 1) return false;

        return false;

     * Computes a^b (mod c). We assume c &lt; 2^62.
    public static long modPow(long a, long b, long c) {
        long accum = 1;
        while (b > 0) {
            if ((b & 1) == 1) accum = prodMod(accum, a, c);
            a = prodMod(a, a, c);
            b >>= 1;
        return accum;

     * Computes a*b (mod c). We assume c &lt; 2^62.
    private static long prodMod(long a, long b, long c) {
        // The naive product would require 128-bit integers.

        // Consider a = (A << 32) + B, b = (C << 31) + D. Different shifts chosen deliberately.
        // Then ab = (AC << 63) + (AD << 32) + (BC << 31) + BD with intermediate values remaining in 63 bits.
        long AC = (a >> 32) * (b >> 31) % c;
        long AD = (a >> 32) * (b & ((1L << 31) - 1)) % c;
        long BC = (a & ((1L << 32) - 1)) * (b >> 31) % c;
        long BD = (a & ((1L << 32) - 1)) * (b & ((1L << 31) - 1)) % c;

        long t = AC;
        for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
            t = (t + t) % c;
        // t = (AC << 31)
        t = (t + AD) % c;
        t = (t + t) % c;
        t = (t + BC) % c;
        // t = (AC << 32) + (AD << 1) + BC
        for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
            t = (t + t) % c;
        // t = (AC << 63) + (AD << 32) + (BC << 31)
        return (t + BD) % c;

    // Page size.
    private static final int B = 1001 << 6;
    // Wheel modulus for sharding between binary quadratic forms.
    private static final int M = 60;

    // Squares of primes 5 < q < 240
    private static final int[] qqtab = new int[] {
        49, 121, 169, 289, 361, 529, 841, 961, 1369, 1681, 1849, 2209, 2809,
        3481, 3721, 4489, 5041, 5329, 6241, 6889, 7921, 9409, 10201, 10609, 11449, 11881,
        12769, 16129, 17161, 18769, 19321, 22201, 22801, 24649, 26569, 27889, 29929, 32041, 32761,
        36481, 37249, 38809, 39601, 44521, 49729, 51529, 52441, 54289, 57121
    // If a_i == q^{-2} (mod 60) is the reciprocal of qq[i], qq60tab[i] = qq[i] + (1 - a_i * qq[i]) / 60
    private static int[] qq60tab = new int[] {
        9, 119, 31, 53, 355, 97, 827, 945, 251, 1653, 339, 405, 515,
        3423, 3659, 823, 4957, 977, 6137, 1263, 7789, 1725, 10031, 1945, 2099, 11683,
        2341, 2957, 16875, 3441, 18999, 21831, 22421, 4519, 4871, 5113, 5487, 31507, 32215,
        35873, 6829, 7115, 38941, 43779, 9117, 9447, 51567, 9953, 56169

     * Produces a set of parameters for traceElliptic to find solutions to ax^2 + cy^2 == d (mod M).
     * @param d The target residue.
     * @param a Binary quadratic form parameter.
     * @param c Binary quadratic form parameter.
    private static List<int[]> initElliptic(final int[] invTotients, final int d, final int a, final int c) {
        List<int[]> rv = new ArrayList<int[]>();

        // The basic idea is that we maintain an invariant of the form
        //     M k = a x^2 + c y^2 - d
        // Therefore we increment x in steps F such that
        //     a((x + F)^2 - x^2) == 0 (mod M)
        // and similarly for y in steps G.
        int F = computeIncrement(a, M), G = computeIncrement(c, M);
        for (int f = 1; f <= F; f++) {
            for (int g = 1; g <= G; g++) {
                if ((a*f*f + c*g*g - d) % M == 0) {
                    rv.add(new int[] { invTotients[d], (2*f + F)*a*F/M, (2*g + G)*c*G/M, (a*f*f + c*g*g - d)/M, 2*a*F*F/M, 2*c*G*G/M });

        return rv;

    private static int computeIncrement(int a, int M) {
        // Find smallest F such that M | 2aF and M | aF^2
        int l = M / gcd(M, 2 * a);
        for (int F = l; true; F += l) {
            if (a*F*F % M == 0) return F;

    public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
        while (b != 0) {
            int t = b;
            b = a % b;
            a = t;

        return a;

    // NB This is generalised somewhat from primegen's implementation.
    private static void traceElliptic(final long[] buf, int x, int y, long start, final int cF2, final int cG2, final int[] Lmodqq, final int d) {
        // Bring the annular segment into the range of ints.
        start += 1000000000;
        while (start < 0) {
            start += x;
            x += cF2;
        start -= 1000000000;
        int i = (int)start;

        while (i < B) {
            i += x;
            x += cF2;

        while (true) {
            x -= cF2;
            if (x <= cF2 >> 1) {
                // It makes no sense that doing this in here should perform well, but empirically it does much better than
                // only eliminating the squares once.
                squarefreeTiny(buf, Lmodqq, d);
            i -= x;

            while (i < 0) {
                i += y;
                y += cG2;

            int i0 = i, y0 = y;
            while (i < B) {
                buf[i >> 6] ^= 1L << i;
                i += y;
                y += cG2;
            i = i0;
            y = y0;

    // This only handles 3x^2 - y^2, and is closer to a direct port of primegen.
    private static void traceHyperbolic(final long[] a, int x, int y, long start, final int[] Lmodqq, final int d) {
        x += 5;
        y += 15;

        // Bring the segment into the range of ints.
        start += 1000000000;
        while (start < 0) {
            start += x;
            x += 10;
        start -= 1000000000;
        int i = (int)start;

        while (i < 0) {
            i += x;
            x += 10;

        while (true) {
            x += 10;
            while (i >= B) {
                if (x <= y) {
                    squarefreeTiny(a, Lmodqq, d);
                i -= y;
                y += 30;

            int i0 = i, y0 = y;
            while (i >= 0 && y < x) {
                a[i >> 6] ^= 1L << i;
                i -= y;
                y += 30;
            i = i0 + x - 10;
            y = y0;

    private static void squarefreeTiny(final long[] a, final int[] Lmodqq, final int d) {
        for (int j = 0; j < qqtab.length; ++j) {
            int qq = qqtab[j];
            int k = qq - 1 - ((Lmodqq[j] + qq60tab[j] * d - 1) % qq);
            while (k < B) {
                a[k >> 6] |= 1L << k;
                k += qq;

    private static void squarefreeMid(long[][] buf, int[] invTotients, final long base, int q, int dqq, int di) {
        int qq = q * q;
        q = M * q + (M * M / 4);

        while (qq < M * B) {
            int i = qq - (int)(base % qq);
            if ((i & 1) == 0) i += qq;

            if (i < M * B) {
                int qqhigh = ((qq / M) << 1) + dqq;
                int ilow = i % M;
                int ihigh = i / M;
                while (ihigh < B) {
                    int n = invTotients[ilow];
                    if (n >= 0) buf[n][ihigh >> 6] |= 1L << ihigh;

                    ilow += di;
                    ihigh += qqhigh;
                    if (ilow >= M) {
                        ilow -= M;
                        ihigh += 1;

            qq += q;
            q += M * M / 2;

        squarefreebig(buf, invTotients, base, q, qq);

    private static void squarefreebig(long[][] buf, int[] invTotients, final long base, int q, long qq) {
        long bound = base + M * B;
        while (qq < bound) {
            long i = qq - (base % qq);
            if ((i & 1) == 0) i += qq;

            if (i < M * B) {
                int pos = (int)i;
                int n = invTotients[pos % M];
                if (n >= 0) {
                    int ihigh = pos / M;
                    buf[n][ihigh >> 6] |= 1L << ihigh;

            qq += q;
            q += M * M / 2;

    // The relevant totients of M - those which only have one forced prime factor.
    static final int[] totients = new int[] { 17, 23, 29, 47, 53, 59 };
    private static final int[] invTotients;
    // Parameters for tracing the hyperbolic BQF used for 59+60Z.
    private static final int[][] hyperbolic = new int[][] {
        {5, 1, 2, -1}, {5, 1, 8, -2}, {5, 1, 22, -9}, {5, 1, 28, -14}, {5, 4, 7, -1}, {5, 4, 13, -3}, {5, 4, 17, -5}, {5, 4, 23, -9},
        {5, 5, 4, 0}, {5, 5, 14, -3}, {5, 5, 16, -4}, {5, 5, 26, -11}, {5, 6, 7, 0}, {5, 6, 13, -2}, {5, 6, 17, -4}, {5, 6, 23, -8},
        {5, 9, 2, 3}, {5, 9, 8, 2}, {5, 9, 22, -5}, {5, 9, 28, -10}, {5, 10, 1, 4}, {5, 10, 11, 2}, {5, 10, 19, -2}, {5, 10, 29, -10}

    // Parameters for tracing the elliptic BQFs used for all totients except 11 and 59.
    private static final int[][] elliptic;
    static {
        invTotients = new int[M];
        Arrays.fill(invTotients, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < totients.length; i++) invTotients[totients[i]] = i;

        // Calculate the parameters for tracing the elliptic BQFs from a table of the BQF used for each totient.
        // E.g. for 17+60Z we use 5x^2 + 3y^2.
        int[][] bqfs = new int[][] {
            {17, 5, 3}, {23, 5, 3}, {29, 4, 1}, {47, 5, 3}, {53, 5, 3}
        List<int[]> parmSets = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        for (int[] bqf : bqfs) parmSets.addAll(initElliptic(invTotients, bqf[0], bqf[1], bqf[2]));
        elliptic = parmSets.toArray(new int[0][]);

名前を付けて保存しPPCG65876.java、名前を付けてコンパイルし、名前を付けjavac PPCG65876.javaて実行しjava -Xmx1G PPCG65876ます。







C ++、2754(すべての値、ブルートフォースプライマリティテスト)


必要に応じてさらに説明を追加できますが、おそらくコードから非常に明白です。場合以来p2以外の素数他で、我々はそれが知っているp - 1にもあり、2つの要因の一つは、私たちが素数を列挙するので、削減は常に2であるp - 1すべての要素2により、残りの値がいずれかの素数であることを確認するか、ということその要因はすべて同じ素数です。


#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::vector<uint64_t> primes;
    uint64_t prevGoodVal = 0;
    uint64_t maxDiff = 0;

    for (uint64_t val = 3; ; val += 2)
        bool isPrime = true;
        std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator itFact = primes.begin();
        while (itFact != primes.end())
            uint64_t fact = *itFact;
            if (fact * fact > val)

            if (!(val % fact))
                isPrime = false;


        if (!isPrime)


        uint64_t rem = val;
        while (!(rem & 1))
            rem >>= 1;

        if (rem == 1)

        bool isGood = true;
        itFact = primes.begin();
        while (itFact != primes.end())
            uint64_t fact = *itFact;
            if (fact * fact > rem)

            if (!(rem % fact))
                while (rem > fact)
                    rem /= fact;
                    if (rem % fact)

                isGood = (rem == fact);


        if (isGood)
            if (prevGoodVal)
                uint64_t diff = val - prevGoodVal;
                if (diff > maxDiff)
                    maxDiff = diff;
                    std::cout << maxDiff
                              << " (" << val << " - " << prevGoodVal << ")"
                              << std::endl;

            prevGoodVal = val;

    return 0;


4 (11 - 7)
6 (19 - 13)
8 (37 - 29)
14 (73 - 59)
24 (137 - 113)
30 (227 - 197)
32 (433 - 401)
48 (557 - 509)
50 (769 - 719)
54 (1283 - 1229)
60 (1697 - 1637)
90 (1823 - 1733)
108 (2417 - 2309)
120 (3329 - 3209)
126 (4673 - 4547)
132 (5639 - 5507)
186 (7433 - 7247)
222 (8369 - 8147)
258 (16487 - 16229)
270 (32507 - 32237)
294 (34157 - 33863)
306 (35879 - 35573)
324 (59393 - 59069)
546 (60293 - 59747)
570 (145823 - 145253)
588 (181157 - 180569)
756 (222059 - 221303)
780 (282617 - 281837)
930 (509513 - 508583)
1044 (1046807 - 1045763)
1050 (1713599 - 1712549)
1080 (1949639 - 1948559)
1140 (2338823 - 2337683)
1596 (3800999 - 3799403)
1686 (6249743 - 6248057)
1932 (12464909 - 12462977)
2040 (30291749 - 30289709)
2160 (31641773 - 31639613)
2190 (34808447 - 34806257)
2610 (78199097 - 78196487)
2640 (105072497 - 105069857)
2754 (114949007 - 114946253)

real    1m20.233s
user    1m20.153s
sys 0m0.048s


C ++、14226(高い値のみ、ミラーラビンテスト)




  • 結果は、素数自体が大きくなるにつれてギャップが大きくなることを明確に示しているため、小さい素数に悩むことには意味がありません。大きな素数を調べる方がはるかに効果的です。
  • このサイズの素数には確率的素数テストが必要です。


  • 素数性テストでは、ミラーラビンテストが使用されます。実装は、wikpediaページの擬似コードに基づいています。使用されるベースを使用すると、最大3825123056546413051(OEIS A014233を参照)までの正しい値が提供されます。これは、ここで使用される値の範囲に十分です。
  • 素数が良い素数であるかどうかを判断するために、2のべき乗が取り除かれます。残りの値の因数分解は非常に高価ですが、不要です。代わりに、二重数学を使用して可能な限り少ない根を計算し、それらのいずれかが実際に正しい根である整数を生成するかどうかを確認します。
  • 数学は主に64ビットの符号なしの値を使用し、128ビットの符号なしの値は素数性テストの一時的な値に必要です。
  • 私はルートにダブル数学を使用し、ダブルは最大53ビットの整数を正確に表すことができるため、このコードで安全に処理できる最大サイズは54ビットです(ダブルに変換された数は最大で半分のサイズです)プライム)。
  • 54ビットは使用する自信のある数字の最大サイズだったので、最大54ビットの数字より少し小さい数字から始めます。コードは、さらに大きな開始値に対して大きなギャップを報告しますが、おそらく正しいでしょうが、私は確信できません。


1266 (16888498602640739 - 16888498602639473)
1470 (16888498602645563 - 16888498602644093)
2772 (16888498602651629 - 16888498602648857)
2862 (16888498602655829 - 16888498602652967)
3120 (16888498602675053 - 16888498602671933)
3756 (16888498602685769 - 16888498602682013)
4374 (16888498602696257 - 16888498602691883)
5220 (16888498602745493 - 16888498602740273)
5382 (16888498603424039 - 16888498603418657)
5592 (16888498603511279 - 16888498603505687)
5940 (16888498603720697 - 16888498603714757)
6204 (16888498605020837 - 16888498605014633)
6594 (16888498605999017 - 16888498605992423)
14226 (16888498608108539 - 16888498608094313)

real    0m26.335s
user    0m26.312s
sys 0m0.008s


#include <stdint.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

uint64_t intRoot(uint64_t a, int p)
    double e = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(p);
    double dRoot = pow(a, e);

    return static_cast<uint64_t>(dRoot + 0.5);

uint64_t intPow(uint64_t a, int e)
    uint64_t r = 1;

    while (e)
        if (e & 1)
            r *= a;

        e >>= 1;
        a *= a;

    return r;

uint64_t modPow(uint64_t a, uint64_t e, uint64_t m)
    uint64_t r = 1;
    a %= m;

    while (e)
        if (e & 1)
            __uint128_t t = r;
            t *= a;
            t %= m;
            r = t;

        e >>= 1;
        __uint128_t t = a;
        t *= a;
        t %= m;
        a = t;

    return r;

bool isPrime(uint64_t n)
    const uint64_t a[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23};

    if (n < 2)
        return false;

    for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k)
        if (n == a[k])
            return true;

        if (n % a[k] == 0)
            return false;

    int r = __builtin_ctzll(n - 1);
    uint64_t d = (n - 1) >> r;

    for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k)
        uint64_t x = modPow(a[k], d, n);

        if (x == 1 || x == n - 1)

        bool comp = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < r - 1; ++i)
            x = modPow(x, 2, n);
            if (x == 1)
                return false;
            if (x == n - 1)
                comp = false;

        if (comp)
            return false;

    return true;

int main()
    uint64_t prevGoodVal = 0;
    uint64_t maxDiff = 0;

    for (uint64_t val = (1ull << 54) - (1ull << 50) + 1; ; val += 2)
        if (isPrime(val))
            uint64_t d = static_cast<double>((val - 1) >> __builtin_ctzll(val - 1));
            bool isGood = false;

            if (isPrime(d))
                isGood = true;
                for (int e = 2; ; ++e)
                    uint64_t r = intRoot(d, e);
                    if (r < 3)

                    if (intPow(r, e) == d && isPrime(r))
                        isGood = true;

            if (isGood)
                if (prevGoodVal)
                    uint64_t diff = val - prevGoodVal;
                    if (diff > maxDiff)
                        maxDiff = diff;
                        std::cout << maxDiff
                                  << " (" << val << " - " << prevGoodVal << ")"
                                  << std::endl;

                prevGoodVal = val;

    return 0;








xファイル ...



M = g = 0
B = L = {}
n = 2
while 1:
        if n in L:
                B = P = L[n]
                del L[n]
                if len(B) == 2:
                        if g:
                                m = n - g
                                if M < m:
                                        M = m
                                        print n, g, m
                        g = n
                P = [n]
        for p in P:
                npp = n + p
                if npp in L:
                        if p not in L[npp]:
                                L[npp] += [p]
                        L[npp] = [p]
        n += 1


timeout 2m pypy -O x
timeout 2m python2 -O x

本当に十分なRAMがある場合、そのdel L[n]行は削除されます。


L = {}
n = 2

while 1:

        if n in L:
                P = L[n]
                del L[n]
                print n
                P = [n]

        for p in P:
                npp = n + p
                if npp in L:
                        if p not in L[npp]:
                                L[npp] += [p]
                        L[npp] = [p]

        n += 1




  • L[n]存在する場合(と同じn in LP = L[n]は、の異なる素因数のリストですn。だから、nプライムではありません。

  • 場合はL[n]存在しない、何プライム除数が見つかりませんでした。したがって、既知の除数nである素数でなければなりませんP = [n]


for p in Pループは、のすべてのエントリに移動P数字のテープ上のそれの価値の距離だけ前方に。


リストでジャンプする素数はすべて異なります。これは、すべての数値nが1回だけ参照され、除数(prime:でない0場合)または(prime :)として追加されるため1です。既知の素因数は前進するだけで、複製されることはありません。そのため、L[n]常に異なる素因数を保持するか、空になります。


    if n in L:
            B = P = L[n]

...素数でないことがわかっているときのnin の素因数を保持します。Bn


            if len(B) == 2:

...そうlen(B) == 2手段は、n - 1二つの別個の素因子を持っています。

                        if g:
                                m = n - g
                                if M < m:
                                        M = m
                                        print n, g, m
                        g = n









using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace GoodPrimes
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] list_of_primes = new int[168]{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997};
            bool is_last_prime = false;
            int last_prime = 0;
            int max_value = 0;
            int old_max_value = 1000000;
            int old_min_value = 3;
            HashSet<int> primeSet = new HashSet<int>();
            int X = 0;
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize primes until " + old_max_value);
            for (int i = old_min_value; i < old_max_value; i++)
                if (IsPrime(i, primeSet))
            old_min_value = old_max_value;
            for (int i = 3; ; i += 2)
                if (i > old_max_value)
                    old_max_value += 500000;
                    Console.WriteLine("Initialize primes until " + old_max_value);
                    for (int j = old_min_value; j < old_max_value; j++)
                        for(int k = 0; k < list_of_primes.Length; k++)
                            if(j % list_of_primes[k] == 0 && j > list_of_primes[k])
                        if (IsPrime(j, primeSet))
                    old_min_value = old_max_value;
                if (primeSet.Contains(i))
                    is_last_prime = false;
                    X = (i - 1) / 2;
                    while (X % 2 == 0)
                        X = X / 2;
                    if (IsPrime(X, primeSet))
                        is_last_prime = true;
                    for (int j = 3; j < i; j++)
                        if (j % 2 == 0 && j > 2)
                        if (j % 3 == 0 && j > 3)
                        if (j % 5 == 0 && j > 5)
                        if (j % 7 == 0 && j > 7)
                        if (j % 11 == 0 && j > 11)
                        if (j % 13 == 0 && j > 13)
                        if (j % 17 == 0 && j > 17)

                        if (X % j == 0 || is_last_prime)
                            while (X % j == 0)
                                X = X / j;
                            if ((primeSet.Contains(j) && X == 1) || is_last_prime)
                                while (X % j == 0)
                                    X = X / j;
                                if (X == 1 || is_last_prime)
                                    if (i - last_prime > max_value)
                                        max_value = i - last_prime;
                                        Console.WriteLine("New max value: " + max_value.ToString() + " (" + i.ToString() + "-" + last_prime.ToString() + ")");
                                    last_prime = i;

        private static bool IsPrime(int i, HashSet<int> j)
            if (i == 2)
                return true;
            for (int m = 2; m < Math.Sqrt(System.Convert.ToDouble(i)) + 1; m++)
                if (j.Contains(m))
                    if (m % 2 == 0 && m > 2)
                    if (m % 3 == 0 && m > 3)
                    if (m % 5 == 0 && m > 5)
                    if (m % 7 == 0 && m > 7)
                    if (m % 11 == 0 && m > 11)
                    if (m % 13 == 0 && m > 13)
                    if (m % 17 == 0 && m > 17)
                    if (i % m == 0)
                        return false;
            return true;


Python 3、546


def getPrimes_parallelized(): #uses sieve of Sundaram
        yield 2
        yield 3
        P = [[4,1]]
        i = 2
        while 1:
            if P[0][0] <= i:
                while P[0][0] <= i:
                    P[0][0] += 2*P[0][1]+1
            elif P[0][0] > i:
                yield 2*i+1
                P.append([2*(i+i*i), i])
            i += 1

def goodPrimes(x):
    P = getPrimes_parallelized()
    primes = []

    for p in P:
        n = p-1
        factors = []

        for p2 in primes:
            if n%p2 == 0:
                while n%p2 == 0: n //= p2

            if len(factors) > x: break

        if len(factors) <= x: yield p

maxdiff = 0
GP = goodPrimes(2)
p1 = next(GP)
gp = next(GP)
gps = [(p1,gp)]

while 1:
    if gp-p1 > maxdiff:
        maxdiff = gp-p1
        print("p: %d, q: %d, |q-p|: %d" % (p1,gp,gp-p1))
    p1,gp = gp,next(GP)

ケースに合わせて最適化することでおそらくこれをより効率的にすることができますx=2が、ええ。十分です :P

あなたのコードp: 2, q: 3, |q-p|: 1は私のために出力します。

@レンビック:あー 私はこれをプロットのものがあったバージョンから減らし、重要な行を省きました。一定。




package main

import "fmt"

func mkPrime(ch chan<- int) {
    for i := 2; ; i++ {
        ch <- i // Send 'i' to channel 'ch'.

// Copy the values from channel 'in' to channel 'out',
// removing those divisible by 'prime'.
func filterPrm(in <-chan int, out chan<- int, prime int) {
    for {
        i := <-in // Receive value from 'in'.
        if i%prime != 0 {
            out <- i // Send 'i' to 'out'.

func mkPFac(max int, ch chan<- int) {
    ch <- 2
    for i := 3; i <= max; i += 2 {
        ch <- i
    ch <- -1 // signal that the limit is reached

// Copy the values from channel 'in' to channel 'out',
// removing those divisible by 'prime'.
func filterPFac(in <-chan int, out chan<- int, prime int) {
    for i := <-in; i != -1; i = <-in {
        if i%prime != 0 {
            out <- i
    out <- -1

func calcPFactors(numToFac int) []int {
    rv := []int{}
    ch := make(chan int)
    go mkPFac(numToFac, ch)
    for prime := <-ch; (prime != -1) && (numToFac > 1); prime = <-ch {
        for numToFac%prime == 0 {
            numToFac = numToFac / prime
            rv = append(rv, prime)
        ch1 := make(chan int)
        go filterPFac(ch, ch1, prime)
        ch = ch1
    return rv

func rmDup(list []int) []int {
    var nlist []int
    for _, e := range list {
        if !isIn(e, nlist) {
            nlist = append(nlist, e)
    return nlist

func isIn(a int, list []int) bool {
    for _, b := range list {
        if b == a {
            return true
    return false

// The prime sieve: Daisy-chain Filter processes.
func main() {
    var diff, prev, high int
    ch := make(chan int) // Create a new channel.
    go mkPrime(ch)       // Launch Generate goroutine.
    for i := 0; i < 10000000000; i++ {
        prime := <-ch
        list := rmDup(calcPFactors(prime - 1))
        if len(list) == 2 {
            //fmt.Println(list, prime)
            diff = prime - prev
            prev = prime
            if diff > high {
                high = diff
        ch1 := make(chan int)
        go filterPrm(ch, ch1, prime)
        ch = ch1






import java.util.BitSet;

public class LargeGoodPrimeGap {

    // Use this to find upto Large Gap of 4032 - Max 4032 found in 55.17 s
    // static int    limit         = 125_00_00_000;

    // Use this to find upto Large Gap of 4224 - Max 4224 found in 99.29 s
    static int    limit         = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;

    // BitSet is highly efficient against boolean[] when Billion numbers were involved
    // BitSet uses only 1 bit for each number
    // boolean[] uses 8 bits aka 1 byte for each number which will produce memory issues for large numbers
    static BitSet primes        = new BitSet(limit + 1);
    static int    limitSqrt     = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(limit));

    static int    maxAllowLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;

    static long   start         = System.nanoTime();

    public static void main(String[] args) {




    // Generate Primes by Sieve of Eratosthenes
    // Sieve of Eratosthenes is much efficient than Sieve of Atkins as
    // Sieve of Atkins involes Division, Modulus, Multiplication, Subtraction, Addition but
    // Sieve of Eratosthenes involves only addition and multiplication
    static void genPrimes() {

        // Check if the Given limit exceeds the Permitted Limit 2147483646 (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
        // If the limit exceeded, Out the Error Message and Exit the Program
        if ( limit > maxAllowLimit ) {
            System.err.printf(String.format("Limit %d should not be Greater than Max Limit %d", limit, maxAllowLimit));

        // Mark numbers from 2 to limit + 1 as Prime
        primes.set(2, limit + 1);

        // Now all Values in primes will be true except 0 and 1,
        // True  represents     prime number 
        // False represents not prime number

        // Set the First Prime number
        int prime = 2;
        // Set the First multiple of prime
        int multiple = prime;
        // Reduce the limit by 1 if limit == Interger.MAX_VALUE - 1 to prevent
        // Integer overflow on multiple variable
        int evenLimit = limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 ? limit - 1 : limit;

        // Mark all Even Numbers as Not Prime except 2
        while ( (multiple += prime) <= evenLimit ) {

        // If evenLimit != limit, set last even number as Not Prime
        if ( evenLimit != limit ) {

        int primeAdd;

        // Set odd multiples of each Prime as not Prime;
        // prime <= limitSqrt -> Check Current Prime <= SQRT(limit)
        // prime = primes.nextSetBit(prime + 1) -> Assign the next True (aka Prime) value as Current Prime
        //  ^ - Above initialisation is highly efficient as Next True check is only based on bits
        // prime > 0 -> To handle -ve values returned by above True check if no more True is to be found
        for ( prime = 3; prime > 0 && prime <= limitSqrt; prime = primes.nextSetBit(prime + 1) ) {
            // All Prime Numbers except 2 were odd numbers
            // Adding a Prime number with itself will result in an Even number,
            // but all the Even numbers were already marked as not Prime.
            // So every odd multiple (3rd, 5th, 7th, ...) of Current Prime will only be marked as not Prime
            // and skipping all the even multiples (2nd, 4th, 6th, ...)
            // This reduces the time for prime calculation by ~50% when comparing with all multiples marking
            primeAdd = prime + prime;
            // multiple = prime * prime -> Unmarked Prime will appear only from this number as previous values
            // are already marked as Non Prime by previous prime multiples
            // multiple += primeAdd -> Increases the multiple by multiple + (CurrentPrime x 2) which will
            // always be a odd multiple (5th, 7th, 9th, ...)
            for ( multiple = prime * prime; multiple <= limit && multiple > 0; multiple += primeAdd ) {
                // Clear or False the multiple if it True

        double end = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0;
        System.out.printf("Total Primes upto %d = %d in %.2f s", limit, primes.cardinality(), end);


    static void findGoodPrimesLargeGap() {

        int prevGP = 7;
        int prevDiff = 0;

        for ( int i = 11; i <= limit && i > 0; i = primes.nextSetBit(i + 1) ) {
            int gp = i - 1;
            int distPrimes = 0;
            for ( int j = 2; j <= limitSqrt && distPrimes < 3 && j > 0; j = primes.nextSetBit(j + 1) ) {
                if ( gp % j == 0 ) {
                    while ( gp % j == 0 ) {
                        gp = gp / j;
                    if ( gp <= 1 ) {
                if ( primes.get(gp) ) {
            if ( distPrimes == 2 ) {
                int currDiff = i - prevGP;
                if ( currDiff > prevDiff ) {
                            String.format("(%d - %d) %d (%.2f s)", i, prevGP, prevDiff = currDiff, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0));
                prevGP = i;





static int    limit         = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;

Total Primes upto 2147483646 = 105097564 in 17.65 s
(11 - 7) 4 (17.71 s)
(19 - 13) 6 (17.71 s)
(37 - 29) 8 (17.71 s)
(73 - 59) 14 (17.71 s)
(137 - 113) 24 (17.71 s)
(227 - 197) 30 (17.71 s)
(433 - 401) 32 (17.71 s)
(557 - 509) 48 (17.71 s)
(769 - 719) 50 (17.71 s)
(1283 - 1229) 54 (17.71 s)
(1697 - 1637) 60 (17.71 s)
(1823 - 1733) 90 (17.71 s)
(2417 - 2309) 108 (17.71 s)
(3329 - 3209) 120 (17.71 s)
(4673 - 4547) 126 (17.71 s)
(5639 - 5507) 132 (17.71 s)
(7433 - 7247) 186 (17.71 s)
(8369 - 8147) 222 (17.71 s)
(16487 - 16229) 258 (17.71 s)
(32507 - 32237) 270 (17.72 s)
(34157 - 33863) 294 (17.72 s)
(35879 - 35573) 306 (17.72 s)
(59393 - 59069) 324 (17.72 s)
(60293 - 59747) 546 (17.72 s)
(145823 - 145253) 570 (17.73 s)
(181157 - 180569) 588 (17.73 s)
(222059 - 221303) 756 (17.73 s)
(282617 - 281837) 780 (17.73 s)
(509513 - 508583) 930 (17.74 s)
(1046807 - 1045763) 1044 (17.75 s)
(1713599 - 1712549) 1050 (17.77 s)
(1949639 - 1948559) 1080 (17.77 s)
(2338823 - 2337683) 1140 (17.78 s)
(3800999 - 3799403) 1596 (17.80 s)
(6249743 - 6248057) 1686 (17.85 s)
(12464909 - 12462977) 1932 (17.96 s)
(30291749 - 30289709) 2040 (18.31 s)
(31641773 - 31639613) 2160 (18.34 s)
(34808447 - 34806257) 2190 (18.41 s)
(78199097 - 78196487) 2610 (19.40 s)
(105072497 - 105069857) 2640 (20.07 s)
(114949007 - 114946253) 2754 (20.32 s)
(246225989 - 246223127) 2862 (24.01 s)
(255910223 - 255907313) 2910 (24.31 s)
(371348513 - 371345567) 2946 (27.97 s)
(447523757 - 447520673) 3084 (30.50 s)
(466558553 - 466555373) 3180 (31.15 s)
(575713847 - 575710649) 3198 (35.00 s)
(606802529 - 606799289) 3240 (36.13 s)
(784554983 - 784551653) 3330 (42.89 s)
(873632213 - 873628727) 3486 (46.39 s)
(987417437 - 987413849) 3588 (50.97 s)
(1123404923 - 1123401023) 3900 (56.60 s)
(1196634239 - 1196630297) 3942 (59.70 s)
(1247118179 - 1247114147) 4032 (61.88 s)
(1964330609 - 1964326433) 4176 (94.89 s)
(2055062753 - 2055058529) 4224 (99.29 s)





Python 3、1464



編集:問題の実際の仕様に合うようにコードを編集し(2つの異なる素因数は正確に 2つの別個の素因数ではありません)、プログラムが適切な素数を見つけるまで次の2のべき乗に進まないように実装しました見つかった最後の 2つの良い素数のギャップより大きいギャップ。また、良いプライムはmod 60の少数の値にしかならないという彼の考えを使用したため、Peter Taylorにクレジットを与える必要があります。



8392997 8393999 1002 2.6750288009643555
16814663 16815713 1050 7.312098026275635
33560573 33561653 1080 8.546097755432129
67118027 67119323 1296 10.886202335357666
134245373 134246753 1380 20.37420392036438
268522349 268523813 1464 59.23987054824829
536929187 536931047 1860 95.36681914329529


from time import time

small_primes = [
    2,  3,  5,  7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,
   41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,

def good(n=0):
    end = n or 100
    time0 = time()
    x,y = 0,0
    recent_max = 0
    for i in range(2,end):
        two = 2**i
        for j in range(two+3,2*two,2):
            if not(m==17or m==23or m==29or m==47or m==53or m==59): continue
            comp = 0
            for p in small_primes:
                if j % p == 0 and j != p:
                    comp = 1
            for p in range(241,int(pow(j,.5))+1,2):
                if j % p == 0 and j != p:
                    comp = 1
            if comp: continue
            d = j-1 & 1-j
            if is_prime_power((j-1)/d):
                x,y = y,j
                if x and y and y-x > recent_max:
                    recent_max = y-x

def is_prime_power(n):
    for p in small_primes:
        if n%p == 0:
            n //= p
            while n % p == 0: n //= p
            return n == 1
    for p in range(241,int(pow(n,.5))+1,2):
        if n%p == 0:
            n //= p
            while n % p == 0: n //= p
            return n == 1
    return n > 1


あなたのコードが正しいとは思わない。ではなく、増分jする理由はありますか?そして、あなたがあれば無条件に拒否するように見えるプライム回あなたはそれが素数だかどうかをテストする必要がある2のべき乗ではないパワー 2倍のパワー。42j-1


確かに。549755815199後の次の良いプライムは、549755816417(2 ^ 5×17179869263)のみ1218のギャップである



max |q-p| 5112 q 4278566879 p 4278561767


// Find the largest gap between good primes
// https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/65876/
// We say a prime p is good if p-1 has exactly 2 distinct prime factors.
// Your code should output the absolute difference between consecutive
// good primes q and p so that |q-p| is as large as possible and
// q is the smallest good prime larger than p. You may output any number of
// good pairs and your last output will be taken as the score.
// The timings will be run on a standard Ubuntu install on
// an 8GB AMD FX-8350 eight-core processor.
// http://products.amd.com/en-us/search/CPU/AMD-FX-Series/AMD-FX-8-Core-Black-Edition/FX-8350/92
// I will kill your code after 2 minutes unless it starts to
// run out of memory before that. It should therefore make sure to
// output something before the cut off.
// A067466 Primes p such there are 2 distinct prime factors in p-1.
// https://oeis.org/A067466
// 7, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29, 37, 41, 47, 53, 59, 73, 83, 89, 97, 101, 107, ...
// peterSO: max |q-p| 5112 q 4278566879 p 4278561767
// https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/73770/51537
// p is a good prime number, if
//   p-1 = x**a * y**b
// Where p is a prime number, x and y are are distinct prime numbers,
// and a and b are positive integers.
// For p > 2, p is odd and (p-1) is even. Therefore, either x or y = 2.

package main

import (

var start = time.Now()

const (
    primality = 0x80
    prime     = 0x00
    notprime  = 0x80
    distinct  = 0x7F

func oddPrimes(n uint64) (sieve []uint8) {
    // odd prime numbers
    sieve = make([]uint8, (n+1)/2)
    sieve[0] = notprime
    p := uint64(3)
    for i := p * p; i <= n; i = p * p {
        for j := i; j <= n; j += 2 * p {
            sieve[j/2] = notprime
        for p += 2; sieve[p/2] == notprime; p += 2 {
    return sieve

func maxGoodGap(n uint64) {
    // odd prime numbers
    sieve := oddPrimes(n)
    // good prime numbers
    fmt.Println("|q-p|", " = ", "q", "-", "p", ":", "t")
    m := ((n + 1) + 1) / 2
    var max, px, qx uint64
    for i, s := range sieve {
        if s == prime {
            p := 2*uint64(i) + 1
            if p < m {
                // distinct odd prime number factors
                for j := p + 2*p; j <= m; j += 2 * p {
            // Remove factors of 2 from p-1.
            p1 := p - 1
            for ; p1&1 == 0; p1 >>= 1 {
            // Does p-1 have exactly 2 distinct prime factors?
            // That is, one distinct prime factor other than 2.
            if sieve[p1/2]&distinct <= 1 {
                // maximum consecutive good prime gap
                px, qx = qx, p
                if max < qx-px {
                    max = qx - px
                    if px != 0 {
                        fmt.Println(max, " = ", qx, "-", px, " : ", time.Since(start))

func init() {

func main() {
    // Two minutes: max |q-p| 5112 q 4278566879 p 4278561767
    var n uint64 = math.MaxUint32 // 4294967295
    fmt.Println("n =", n)
    fmt.Println("n =", n, "real =", time.Since(start))


$ go build good.go && ./good
n = 4294967295
|q-p|  =  q - p : t
4  =  11 - 7  :  18.997478838s
6  =  29 - 23  :  19.425839298s
8  =  37 - 29  :  19.5924487s
14  =  73 - 59  :  20.351329953s
24  =  137 - 113  :  21.339752269s
30  =  227 - 197  :  22.310449147s
32  =  433 - 401  :  23.511560468s
48  =  557 - 509  :  23.904677275s
50  =  769 - 719  :  24.518310365s
54  =  1283 - 1229  :  25.350700584s
60  =  1697 - 1637  :  25.782520338s
90  =  1823 - 1733  :  25.883049102s
108  =  2417 - 2309  :  26.300049556s
120  =  3329 - 3209  :  26.735575056s
126  =  4673 - 4547  :  27.190597227s
132  =  5639 - 5507  :  27.420936586s
186  =  7433 - 7247  :  27.761805597s
222  =  8369 - 8147  :  27.909656781s
258  =  16487 - 16229  :  28.710626512s
270  =  32507 - 32237  :  29.469193619s
294  =  34157 - 33863  :  29.525197303s
306  =  35879 - 35573  :  29.578355515s
324  =  59393 - 59069  :  30.11620771s
546  =  60293 - 59747  :  30.131928104s
570  =  145823 - 145253  :  31.014864294s
588  =  181157 - 180569  :  31.223246627s
756  =  222059 - 221303  :  31.415507367s
780  =  282617 - 281837  :  31.640006297s
930  =  509513 - 508583  :  32.169485481s
1044  =  1046807 - 1045763  :  32.783669616s
1050  =  1713599 - 1712549  :  33.186784964s
1080  =  1949639 - 1948559  :  33.290533456s
1140  =  2338823 - 2337683  :  33.434568615s
1596  =  3800999 - 3799403  :  33.810580195s
1686  =  6249743 - 6248057  :  34.183678793s
1932  =  12464909 - 12462977  :  34.683651976s
2040  =  30291749 - 30289709  :  35.296022077s
2160  =  31641773 - 31639613  :  35.325773748s
2190  =  34808447 - 34806257  :  35.390646164s
2610  =  78199097 - 78196487  :  35.878632519s
2640  =  105072497 - 105069857  :  36.018381898s
2754  =  114949007 - 114946253  :  36.058571726s
2862  =  246225989 - 246223127  :  36.337844257s
2910  =  255910223 - 255907313  :  36.351442541s
2946  =  371348513 - 371345567  :  36.504506082s
3084  =  447523757 - 447520673  :  36.60250012s
3180  =  466558553 - 466555373  :  36.626346413s
3198  =  575713847 - 575710649  :  36.761306175s
3240  =  606802529 - 606799289  :  36.799984807s
3330  =  784554983 - 784551653  :  37.014430956s
3486  =  873632213 - 873628727  :  37.121270926s
3588  =  987417437 - 987413849  :  37.25618423s
3900  =  1123404923 - 1123401023  :  37.417362803s
3942  =  1196634239 - 1196630297  :  37.504784859s
4032  =  1247118179 - 1247114147  :  37.565187304s
4176  =  1964330609 - 1964326433  :  38.39652816s
4224  =  2055062753 - 2055058529  :  38.502515034s
4290  =  2160258917 - 2160254627  :  38.625633674s
4626  =  2773400633 - 2773396007  :  39.324109323s
5112  =  4278566879 - 4278561767  :  41.022658954s
n = 4294967295 real = 41.041491885s


コーダー:max | qp | 4176 q 1964330609 p 1964326433


$ javac coder.java && java -Xmx1G coder
Total Primes upto 2147483646 = 105097564 in 11.61 s
(11 - 7) 4 (11.64 s)
<< SNIP >>
(1247118179 - 1247114147) 4032 (34.86 s)
(1964330609 - 1964326433) 4176 (51.97 s)

Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.