このプログラムはChesSkeletと呼ばれます。現在、コードとデータの両方に352バイトを使用しています。Z80 Assembly、特にZX Xpectrumで書かれています。
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CHESSKELET /tseske'let/ ; Alex Garcia (reeagbo), Boria Labs 2018-2019 ; Thanks, @MstrBlinky and @johan_koelman, for your contribution ; Developed with ZXSpin, Notepad++ ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Compilation with ZXSpin (all versions) and SpectNetIde (not all versions) ; Run with RANDOMIZE USR 30000 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; debug mode: 0 = no, 1 = yes debmod equ 0 ; gramod: 0 = minimal interface, 1 = basic interface, 2 = full interface gramod equ 0 ; feamod: 0 = no features (if fails at legadd 'ret'), 1 = all features feamod equ 0 ; ROM memory addresses clescr equ 3503 laskey equ 23560 ; memory micro-pages (256B, typically H register) used for simple memory access auxsth equ $7D piearh equ $7E movlih equ $7F boasth equ $80 boaath equ $81 boaoph equ $82 canlih equ $83 org 30000 ; code is not directly portable ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Common code before turns ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; legal moves generation (3B) ----------------------------------------- befmov call genlis ; candidate move list, used for both sides ; switch sides on every loop (6B+1B) ---------------------------------- whomov ld l, h ; (H)L: $7F7F = movlih + gamsta, ++ ld a, (hl) ; load state xor h ; (@johan_koelman) switch turn: bla=0, whi=1 ld (hl), a ; save state back in memory if feamod>0 jp z, blamov else jr z, blamov ; if 0, jump to black moves, jp maybe endif ; clear screen (3B) whimov call clescr ; ROM routine set screen mode ; print board ----------------------------------------------------------------- priboa ; A, B = 0 at this point ; initialization (4B) ld h, boasth ; H(L)= $80, L always 0, load board ++ ld d, piearh ; D(E): piece array pointer, E o/w later priloo ; print colored squares (8B) if gramod>0 ; opt: print colored squares ld a, 19 ; set bright ASCII code rst 16 ; print value ld a, c ; (@MstrBlinky) C is always $21 inc c ; change C parity and %00000001 ; keep Ab0, alternatively 0/1 rst 16 ; print value endif ; print piece (10B) ld a, (hl) ; load piece and %00100000 ; keep color, pih ld b, a ; Bb5: isolate piece color ld e, (hl) ; load piece res 5, e ; uncolor, pih ld a, (de) ; load piece character sub b ; capitalize (-32) only for white pieces rst 16 ; print piece ; next square, end of rank/board detection (15B+1B) inc l ; next square jp m, pricoo ; (@johan_koelman) end of 16x8 board, A=128? ld a, l ; (@MstrBlinky) and $08 ; 8 if end of rank, 0 other cases jr z, priski ; skip if not end of the rank add a, l ; ld l, a ; return result to L ld a, 13 ; A=
rst 16 ; print char
if gramod>0 ; opt: print colored squares, end of the rank
inc c ; change C parity
priski jr priloo ; loop through all squares
; print coords (28B+6B)--------------------------------------------------------
pricoo ; (@MstrBlinky simplified it)
if gramod>0 ; opt: print board coords
ld bc, $0709 ; B: loop count, C: fixed rank/col
nextce ld a, $16 ; ASCII control code for AT
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, b ; set rank
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, c ; set column
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, '8' ; base rank
sub b ; decrease rank character (8..1)
rst 16 ; print rank value
ld a, $16 ; ASCII control code for AT
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, c ; set rank
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, b ; sets column
rst 16 ; print it
ld a, 'a' ; base column character
add a, b ; increase rank character (a..h)
rst 16 ; print rank value
dec b ; loop 8 times
jp p, nextce ;
if gramod>0 ; opt: + "?" for input prompt
ld a, 13 ; A: set ASCII code
rst 16 ; prints it to go to the next line for input
ld a, '?' ; set "?" ASCII code
rst 16 ; print it
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; read chars from keyboard and stores them (16B(+4B+4B))-----------------------
; 4 times loop for coord input (3B)
ld b, 4 ; loop count
dec d ; D(E)= $7D =auxsth, E always 0 ++
; read key from keyboard loop (8B)
realoo ld hl, laskey ; LASTKEY system variable ++
xor a ; A=0
ld (hl), a ; reset LASTKEY, two birds with 1 stone
wailoo add a, (hl) ; load latest value of LASTKEY.
jr z, wailoo ; loop until a key is pressed.
; skip move/switch sides (4B)
if feamod>0 ; opt: special move, switch sides to play black
cp 's' ; if "s" pressed at any time
jp z, aftmov ; skip white's move, ### jr maybe
; save pressed key and print it (5B)
inc de ; (@MstrBlinky) next char, E = 1 to 5
ld (de), a ; save char in string
rst 16 ; print it
djnz realoo ; loop for 4 input chars
; border reset (4B)
if gramod>1 ; opt: border reset after first white move
ld a, 7 ; set back to white
out (254), a ; set border back to white
; translate coords to square (17B) --------------------------------------------
movchk ex de, hl ; (@MstrBlinky routine) DE=end of input string
movloo ld a, 56 ; rank calc = 8-(rank input-48) = 56-(HL)
sub (hl) ; A= 56 - (HL)
rla ; move it to high nibble (x16)
rla ;
rla ;
rla ;
dec hl ; (@MstrBlinky) run backwards through string
add a, (hl) ; rank + column (not 0-7 column)
sub 'a' ; make it a 0-7 column
ld c, b ; slide results through B and C
ld b, a ; at end of 2nd loop everything is in place
dec l ; (@MstrBlinky) beginning of input string?
jr nz, movloo ; if not, loop again
; search white move in legal move list (24B) ----------------------------------
if feamod>0 ; opt: validate white move
seamov ld hl, canlis ; canli pointer ++
ld a, (hl) ; number of candidates
;inc hl ; skip to first candidate (+2 bytes)
;inc hl ; removed v0.808, no move in those two bytes
sealoo ld d, (hl) ; origin candidate move
inc hl ; next byte
ld e, (hl) ; target candidate move
inc hl ; next byte, for next loop
ex de, hl ; candidate pair, DE: HL-canli pointer
or a ; reset carry
sbc hl, bc ; compare input move with cand. move (Z)
ex de, hl ; revert back, canli pointer
jr z, aftsid ; move match: jump out. ready to move
; B (origin sq), C (target sq) ready here
dec a ; count down
jr nz, sealoo ; loop until canli covered
jp whimov ; if not found, back to move input, jp maybe
else ; opt: skip validate white move
jr aftsid ; Outputs: B: origin square, C: target square
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
chomov ; preparations (7B)----------------------------------------------------
ld hl, canlis ; candidate list. No H reuse ++
ld b, (hl) ; number of candidates at position 0
ld c, l ; C=0, maximum valuation reset
inc hl ; skip 2 bytes to first candidate in list
inc hl ;
choloo ; loop through candidates (6B) ----------------------------------------
ld d, (hl) ; D: origin candidate square
inc hl ; next candidate byte
ld e, (hl) ; E: target candidate square
inc hl ; next candidate byte
push bc ; BC released
push hl ; HL is different from here
; pieces valuation ----------------------------------------------------
; pieces collection (8B)
evatap ld h, boasth ; board base ++
ld l, e ; target square
ld b, (hl) ; black piece value
ld l, d ; origin square
ld c, (hl) ; white piece value
res 5, c ; uncolor white piece; pih
; origin attacked square (7B)
evaato ld a, b ; target piece always counts
ld h, boaoph ; H(L): attacked board base, L: unchanged ++
bit 7, (hl) ; target square attacked?
jr z, evaatt ; not attacked, skip counting origin piece
if feamod=1 ; opt: rows 2 do not move even if attacked
ld a, d ; 0rrr0ccc, add origin square
and $70 ; filter ranks
cp $60 ; is rank 6?
ld a, b ; target piece always counts
jr z, evaexi ; skip this move
; count origin piece (1B) if attacked, general case
evaatc add a, c ; A: 00pppppp, count white
; target attacked square (6B)
evaatt ld l, e ; H(L): point at target square
bit 7, (hl) ; target square attacked?
jr z, skiato ; if target not attacked, skip
sub c ; if target attacked, count white out
; compensate + prioritize piece valuation(6B)
skiato ld h, $20 ; prepare H for later rotation and use for A
add a, h ; A: 00pppppp, compensate=K+1, pih
rlca ; leave space for square weight
rlca ; A: pppppp00, piece addition is 5 bits
ld b, a ; B: piece addition value
evacol ld a, e ; A: 0rrr0ccc
; these two values below can be tuned for different opening schemes
if feamod>0
add a, 2 ; A: 0rrr0ccc
and 5 ; A: 00000ccc
inc a ; A: 0rrr0ccc
and 4 ; A: 00000cc0 (weight: 0,0,0,4,4,4,4,0)
; ranks weight (ranks weight is 8..1, aiming for board's end)
evarnk add hl, hl ; HL: 00100000 0rrr0ccc (before)
add hl, hl ;
add hl, hl ; HL: 000000rr r0ccc000 (after)
sub h ; A: 00000cww (w=r+c)
add a, b ; total value: pieces + weight
; maximum value comparison (12B)
evaexi pop hl ; recover canli
pop bc ; recover previous maximum value
cp c ; compare with current maximum
jr c, chonoc ; if current eval (A) <= max eval (C), skip
ld c, a ; update best evaluation
pop af ; remove old maximum to avoid cascades in stack
; ### initial push to compensate?
push de ; push best candidates so far
chonoc dec b ; decrease loop counter 2 by 2.
djnz choloo ; loop through all candidates (canto)
pop bc ; recover saved values (B: origin, C: target)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; move piece (8B) -------------------------------------------------------------
; inputs here: B: origin square, C: target square
; write origin square and read piece in it (4B)
aftsid ld h, boasth ; point at board (canlih=$83 before) ++
ld l, b ; point at origin square
; castling, rook moves, v0.800 (26B)
; very innacurate as it may cause false moves
if feamod>0 ; opt: castling, rook move
casroo ld a, (hl) ; origin piece
add a, b ; + origin square
sub c ; - target square
caslon cp $38 ; $36(king) + $74(ori) - $72(tar)= $38, pih
jr nz, cassho ; no long castling
ld l, $70 ; long castling rook square (a1)
ld (hl), d ; erase rook (D=0 here)
ld l, $73 ; rook destination (d1)
ld (hl), $25 ; move rook, pih
cassho cp $34 ; $36(king) + $74(ori) - $76(tar)= $34, pih
jr nz, casend ; no short castling
ld l, $77 ; short castling rook square (h1)
ld (hl), d ; erase rook (D=0 here)
ld l, $75 ; rook destination (f1)
ld (hl), $25 ; move rook, pih
if feamod>0 ; opt: special move: prom, no under-prom (12B)
ld a, c ; A: 0rrr0ccc
and %01110000 ; A: 0rrr0000
add a, (hl) ; A: 0rrxpppp
cp $22 ; white pawn ($22) on rank 8 ($00), pih
ld l, b ; restore origin square
ld d, (hl) ; original piece
ld (hl), 0 ; write origin piece
jr nz, aftdes ; if not a pawn, skip
ld d, $27 ; make piece a queen, pih
else ; opt: write origin piece, no promotion (3B)
ld d, (hl) ; D: get origin piece
ld (hl), 0 ; write origin piece
; write target square with origin piece (5B)
aftdes ld l, c ; (H)L: target square
; checkmate with exit (3B), board is not updated in screen
chkmat bit 4, (hl) ; captured piece is king ($16)?, pih
ret nz ; (@johan_koelman) return prompt at check mate
aftnok ld (hl), d ; write target square
call genlis ; update attacked matrix after move
; reverse board (22B)----------------------------------------------------------
revboa ; push full board to stack (7B)
inc h ; H = $80 = boasth ++
ld l, h ; (H)L: end of board. trick: start from $8080
revlo1 dec l ; countdown squares
ld a, (hl) ; read piece
push af ; copy piece to to stack
jr nz, revlo1 ; loop down to beginning of the board
; collect board back ir reverse order + switch color (15B)
ld l, $78 ; (H)L: end of board again
revlo2 pop af ; collect piece from stack
or a ; is it an empty square?
jr z, revski ; if yes, skip
xor %00100000 ; otherwise, reverse color (b5), pih
revski dec l ; countdown squares
ld (hl), a ; piece back into board
jr nz, revlo2 ; loop until beginning of board
jp befmov ; back to white move, too far for jr
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; genlis: generates list of legal moves (92B + 9B) ----------------------------
; it was not possible to use it in two different places, only procedure in code
bacata ; backup attack board in reverse order, used in evaluation (13B)
ld l, $FF ; (H)L = $80FF (boaata-1), H always $80
ld de, boaopo + $78 ; DE: same thing, 1B passed end of board
bacloo inc hl ; HL: increase 16b counter to hop to next page
dec e ; E: decrease 8b counter to hit Z flag
ld a, (hl) ; load attack status
ld (hl), 0 ; clear attack status, no alternative!
ld (de), a ; backup attack status
jr nz, bacloo ; loop down to square $00
; exit values: DE=$8200, HL=$8177
; prepare environment (4B)
inc d ; D= $83= canlih
xor a ; reset
ld (de), a ; cantot= 0
ld b, l ; B= L = 77, SQUARE COUNT
; read piece from board (4B)
squloo ld h, boasth ; H: board base ++
ld l, b ; point at current loop square
ld a, (hl) ; read piece from board
; king castling, v0.800 (15B)
; only basic rule: no unmoved pieces or attacked squares check
if feamod>0
kincas ld l, a ; save A (can't use push AF, flags lost)
add a, b ; A: 0rrr0xxx + 000ppppp (uncolored white p.)
cp $AA ; king($36) at E1($74)= $AA, pih
ld a, l ; recover A
jr nz, kinend ; if no match, skip adding legal move
ld c, $72 ; E1-C1 move, rook's move missing
call legadd ; add king's move
ld c, $76 ; E1-G1 move, rook's move missing
call legadd ; add king's move and go on with king's moves
; get move type and pointer to move list (6B)
squgon dec h ; H(L)= movlih, moves vector base ++
add a, a ; x4, each piece vector is 4B long
add a, a ;
ld l, a ; (H)L points at the move vector now
ld d, 2 ; 2 submoves per piece
subloo ; byte 1 - move type (5B)
ld a, (hl) ; move type loaded
or a ; =cp 0, 2nd move type not used case
; black/empty: move type=0 leads here
jr z, squexi ; ---v exit: square is done
ld e, a ; E: MOVE TYPE (B,C,D used here)
; pawn 2 squares forward - move type modified (8B)
if feamod>0 ; opt: special move, pawn 2 sq. forward
genpw2 add a, b ; piece square + move type
and %11111000 ; masked with relevant bits
cp $88 ; $28(str.pawn)+$60(rnk 6) ### univocal
jr nz, skppw2 ; if not, skip
inc e ; increase radius: 1 -> 2
; byte 2 - movlis delta (3B)
inc hl ; next piece sub-entry
push hl ; Save HL for 2nd loop
ld l, (hl) ; pointer to move delta
vecloo ; vector read (8B)
ld c, b ; TARGET SQUARE init
ld a, (hl) ; vector delta
or a ; =cp 0
jr z, vecexi ; ---v exit: vectors end with 0, next sq.
push hl ; save current delta
push de ; save move type + radius
; E: variable radius within loop
ld d, a ; D: store delta within loop
celloo ; prepare x88 check (7B)
ld a, d ; delta loaded
add a, c ; current target (sq. + delta)
ld c, a ; current target
and $88 ; 0x88, famous OOB trick
jr nz, vecnex ; ---v exit: OOB, next vector
; read target square (3B)
inc h ; H(L)= $80 = boasth ++
ld l, c ; point at target square
ld a, (hl) ; read target square content
; mark attacked ### str. pawn marked attacked
inc h ; H(L)= $81 = boaath ++
ld (hl), h ; mark attacked ($81)
dec h ; H(L)= $80 = boasth ++
dec h ; H(L)= $79= movlih ++
; target is white (4B)
bit 5, a ; is it white?, pih
jr nz, vecnex ; ---v exit: WHITE b4=1, next vector
; target not white (3B)
or a ; =cp 0, is it empty?, pih
jr z, taremp ; if not 0, it's black: legal, no go on
tarbla ; target is black (7B)
bit 5, e ; special move: pawn straight check
jr nz, vecnex ; ---v exit: no straight capture, next vector
ld e, a ; make radius=0 (=<8 in code, canonical: ld e, 0)
jr legadj ;
taremp ; target is empty (14B)
bit 4, e ; special move: pawn on capture check
jr nz, vecnex ; ---v exit: no diagonal without capture, next vector
dec e ; decrease radius
if feamod=0 ; opt: legadd for basic model
; add candidate (B: current square, C: target square) (9B)
push hl
ld hl, canlis ; HL: start of candidate list. No H reuse ++
inc (hl) ; +2 to candidate counter to move to next
inc (hl) ; first free position in list
ld l, (hl) ; point at free position
ld (hl), b ; 1) save origin square
inc hl ; move to next byte
ld (hl), c ; 2) save dest square
legend pop hl ; recover HL=pointer to vector list
else ; opt: legadd call for full model
call legadd
bit 3, e ; if radius < 8 (Cb3=0), radius limit
jr nz, celloo ; ---^ cell loop
vecnex ; next vector preparation (5B)
pop de ; DE: recover move type + radius
pop hl ; HL: recover current vector
inc hl ; HL: next vector
jr vecloo ; ---^ vector loop
vecexi ; next square preparation (5B)
pop hl ; HL: recover pointer to sub-move list
inc hl ; HL: next byte, point at 2nd sub-move
dec d ; 2 sub-move iterations loop control
jr nz, subloo ; if not 2nd iteration, repeat loop
; end of loop (2B)
squexi djnz squloo ; ---^ squares loop
; legadd: add legal move -------------------------------------------------------
if feamod>0 ; legadd for king castling
legadd ; (B: current square, C: target square)
push hl
ld hl, canlis ; HL: start of candidate list. No H reuse ++
inc (hl) ; +2 to candidate counter to move to next
inc (hl) ; first free position in list
ld l, (hl) ; point at free position
ld (hl), b ; 1) save origin square
inc hl ; move to next byte
ld (hl), c ; 2) save dest square
pop hl ; recover HL=pointer to vector list
;ret ; <===== not removed with feamod=0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Memory page: 7700h ----------------------------------------------------------
org $7700
auxstr ; input string stored here
; Memory page: 7E00h ----------------------------------------------------------
; used to convert values to pieces
org $7E00
if gramod=0 ; opt: space or dot depending on the size
piearr defb '.' ; $2B
piearr defb ' '
org $7E02
defm "pnbr" ; change this array to any language, pih
org $7E07
defb 'q' ; change this array to any language, pih
org $7E16
defb 'k' ; change this array to any language, pih
; Memory page: 7F00h ----------------------------------------------------------
; sub-moves and vectors
org $7F00
; leave empty $00-$04-...-$24 for black pieces/empty square pointers
org $7F88 ; pawn: $22x4=$84
; piece, move type, vector list delta address (18B)
; move type / 0 / 0 / pawn straight / pawn diagonal / DDDD (real radius + 7)
pawgen defb $28, $E3 ; pawn straight
defb $18, $E7 ; pawn capture
org $7F8C
knigen defb $08, $EA ;
org $7F90
bisgen defb $0E, $E5 ; bishop
org $7F94
roogen defb $0E, $E0 ; rook
org $7F9C
quegen defb $0E, $E0 ; queen
defb $0E, $E5 ;
org $7FD8
kingen defb $08, $E0 ; king: $($16+$20)x4=$D8
defb $08, $E5 ;
org $7FE0 ; vectors start at: $7FE0 (arbitrary)
; (y, x) move delta pairs (16B)
strvec defb $FF, $01 ; +0, straight vectors
defb $10, $F0 ; +3, straight pawn, last half line
org $7FE5
diavec defb $0F, $11 ; +5, diagonal vectors
defb $EF, $F1 ; +7, diagonal pawn
org $7FEA
knivec defb $E1, $F2 ; +10, knight vectors
defb $12, $21 ; knight moves listed clockwise
defb $1F, $0E ;
defb $EE, $DF ;
; board status: 0000000 / turn (B=0, W=1)
org $7F7F
; Memory page: 8000h ----------------------------------------------------------
; board squares format: 00cppppp
; pppp (value) : pawn=2, knight=3, bishop=4, rook=5, queen=7, king=$16
; c (color): white=1, black=0
; initial board setup
if debmod=1 ;opt: fill board for debugging
org $8000
boasta defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--8
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $02, $00, $00, $00 ; <--7
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $23, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--6
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--5
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--4
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--3
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--2
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
defb $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; <--1
else ; opt: reduces board size for gameplay
org $8000
boasta defb $05, $03, $04, $07, $16, $04, $03, $05
org $8010
defb $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02
org $8060
defb $22, $22, $22, $22, $22, $22, $22, $22
org $8070
defb $25, $23, $24, $27, $36, $24, $23, $25
; Memory page: 8100h ----------------------------------------------------------
org $8100
boaata ; attacked squares board
; Memory page: 8200h ----------------------------------------------------------
org $8200
boaopo ; reversed attacked squares board
; Memory page: 8300h ----------------------------------------------------------
; candidate move list at the very end of the program
org $8300
canlis equ $
a1 h8