brainfuck- 617 616 604バイト
If you input these pins: [2, 3, 6, 8, 9]
First, the program does this: [2, 3, 6, 8, 9] + [10]
Then this: [2, 3, 6] + [7] + [8, 9, 10]
Then this: [2, 3] + [4, 5] + [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Finally, this: [1] + [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
To build this: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
ソートが簡単になるもう1つのことは、数値10の検出です。brainfuckは「数値」そのものではなく、個々のバイトを処理するため、お尻が痛いかもしれませんが、ソートされた入力により処理がはるかに容易になりましたと。その理由は、プログラムにデータを保存する方法に関係しています。入力を一度に1文字ずつ取り、結果から32を引きます。その後、セルがゼロ以外であれば、4セル進みます。繰り返す前に。これは、4セルごとに非スペースバイトの入力を取得し、ピンを事実上その数+ 16として格納することを意味します。ただし、10は入力に2バイトかかるため、特別な場合がありました。入力がソートされていない場合、ピンを調べる必要がありますが、ソートされているため、表示される場合は常に最後のピンになります。(入力の最後のバイト+ 1)==(入力の最後から2番目のバイト)であるかどうかをチェックし、そうであれば、10でなければなりません。最後のバイトを取り除き、最後から2番目のバイトをシステムが理解するものに設定します「10」。キャラクター'1'
(大まかにwhile (*p) { *p--; }
one flag at the very left; will be important later
all nonspace bytes of input separated by 3 empty cells; pin number `n` stored with value `n` plus 16
test if last pin is 10
if not: find 10 minus the number it is; put that many placeholder pins (cells with value 1) at the end
if so: get rid of '0' byte; convert '1' byte to 26 (10 plus 16)
pointer now sitting on the cell with the second greatest pin that was inputted (ie not a placeholder)
check for flag placed at the very beginning of the program; if present: break
find ((pin to our right) minus 1) minus pin to our left
move all pins left of us 4*(that value) cells and insert placeholder pins
find first non placeholder pin to our left
there has to be one because we haven't hit the flag yet
we have now added placeholder pins at the end and in the middle; all that's left is the beginning
subtract 17 from lowest pin and put that many placeholders to the left
subtract 32 from an empty cell 2 to the left of the lowest pin; will be useful later
placeholder pins have the value 1; real pins have a value somewhere between 17 and 26
normalize it by stepping through and setting every pin with value != 1 to 3 (0's ascii code is 2 higher than period so this will make it easier to print later)
start writing 32s across the board; hitting every second cell
that's every pin and the cell 2 to the right of each pin
this is done in such a way that it will only halt if adding 32 to a cell sets it to 0; which is why we subtracted 0 from an empty cell earlier
it will catch us and prevent an infinite loop
now write 13 to each pin; this adds up to 46 or 48; which are exactly the ascii values we want
we happen to have made a 14; turn it into a 10 for a newline
we're so close now; i can taste it
we have a list of 10 pins; each one with the ascii value that needs to be written
we have 32 everywhere because we'll need spaces
we even have a newline
the only problem now is that our list looks like this:
;;1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10;;
and we need to print in this order:
;;7 8 9 10 4 5 6 2 3 1;;
it's a pretty simple fix
once we print a pin we obviously don't need to remember it any more
so we simply print the last 4 pins on the list; destroying them on the way
then we print the last 3; which have become the ones we want
then two; then one
print pins 7 8 9 10
print pins 4 5 6
print pins 3 2
print the final pin!! :)