To get the latest code: 'python run_all.py get'
To run the submissions: 'python run_all.py run <optional num_runs>'
- さらに多くの言語のサポートを追加する場合、または一部の言語のサポートを削除する場合は、を参照してください
def submission_type(lang)
- コンパイルが必要な言語であっても、スクリプトの拡張はかなり簡単です(参考文献を参照
)。言語タイプはメタコードタグから< !-- language: lang-java -- >
- コードの実行にまったく失敗した場合、または割り当てられた時間内に終了しない場合、コードは
submission_types = {
'lang-ruby': RubySubmission,
'lang-python': PythonSubmission,
'lang-py': PythonSubmission,
'lang-java': JavaSubmission,
'lang-Java': JavaSubmission,
'lang-javascript': NodeSubmission,
'lang-cpp': CPPSubmission,
'lang-c': CSubmission,
'lang-lua': LuaSubmission,
'lang-r': RSubmission,
'lang-fortran': FortranSubmission,
'lang-bash': BashSubmission
import urllib2
import hashlib
import os
import re
import subprocess
import shutil
import time
import multiprocessing
import tempfile
import sys
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
__run_java__ = """
public class Run {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "";
Human h = new __REPLACE_ME__();
if(args.length == 1)
input = args[0];
try {
catch(Exception e) {
__human_java__ = """
public abstract class Human {
public abstract String takeSides(String history) throws Exception;
class Submission():
def __init__(self, name, code):
self.name = name
self.code = code
def submissions_dir(self):
return 'submission'
def base_name(self):
return 'run'
def submission_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submissions_dir(), self.name)
def extension(self):
return ""
def save_submission(self):
def full_command(self, input):
return []
def full_path(self):
file_name = "%s.%s" % (self.base_name(), self.extension())
full_path = os.path.join(self.submission_path(), file_name)
return full_path
def save_code(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.submission_path()):
with open(self.full_path(), 'w') as f:
def write_err(self, err):
with open(self.error_log(), 'w') as f:
def error_log(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), 'error.txt')
def run_submission(self, input):
command = self.full_command()
if input is not None:
output,err,exit_code = run(command,timeout=1)
if len(err) > 0:
return output
except Exception as e:
return ""
class CPPSubmission(Submission):
def bin_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), self.base_name())
def save_submission(self):
compile_cmd = ['g++', '-O3', '-std=c++0x', '-o', self.bin_path(), self.full_path()]
errout = open(self.error_log(), 'w')
subprocess.call(compile_cmd, stdout=errout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def extension(self):
return 'cpp'
def full_command(self):
return [self.bin_path()]
class CSubmission(Submission):
def bin_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), self.base_name())
def save_submission(self):
compile_cmd = ['gcc', '-o', self.bin_path(), self.full_path()]
errout = open(self.error_log(), 'w')
subprocess.call(compile_cmd, stdout=errout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def extension(self):
return 'c'
def full_command(self):
return [self.bin_path()]
class FortranSubmission(Submission):
def bin_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), self.base_name())
def save_submission(self):
compile_cmd = ['gfortran', '-fno-range-check', '-o', self.bin_path(), self.full_path()]
errout = open(self.error_log(), 'w')
subprocess.call(compile_cmd, stdout=errout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def extension(self):
return 'f90'
def full_command(self):
return [self.bin_path()]
class JavaSubmission(Submission):
def base_name(self):
class_name = re.search(r'class (\w+) extends', self.code)
file_name = class_name.group(1)
return file_name
def human_base_name(self):
return 'Human'
def run_base_name(self):
return 'Run'
def full_name(self, base_name):
return '%s.%s' % (base_name, self.extension())
def human_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), self.full_name(self.human_base_name()))
def run_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.submission_path(), self.full_name(self.run_base_name()))
def replace_in_file(self, file_name, str_orig, str_new):
old_data = open(file_name).read()
new_data = old_data.replace(str_orig, str_new)
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
def write_code_to_file(self, code_str, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
def save_submission(self):
self.write_code_to_file(__human_java__, self.human_path())
self.write_code_to_file(__run_java__, self.run_path())
self.replace_in_file(self.run_path(), '__REPLACE_ME__', self.base_name())
self.replace_in_file(self.full_path(), 'package Humans;', '')
compile_cmd = ['javac', '-cp', self.submission_path(), self.run_path()]
errout = open(self.error_log(), 'w')
subprocess.call(compile_cmd, stdout=errout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def extension(self):
return 'java'
def full_command(self):
return ['java', '-cp', self.submission_path(), self.run_base_name()]
class PythonSubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return ['python', self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return 'py'
class RubySubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return ['ruby', self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return 'rb'
class NodeSubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return ['node', self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return 'js'
class LuaSubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return ['lua', self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return 'lua'
class RSubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return ['Rscript', self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return 'R'
class BashSubmission(Submission):
def full_command(self):
return [self.full_path()]
def extension(self):
return '.sh'
class Scraper():
def download_page(self, url, use_cache = True, force_cache_update = False):
file_name = hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest()
if not os.path.exists('cache'):
full_path = os.path.join('cache', file_name)
file_exists = os.path.isfile(full_path)
if use_cache and file_exists and not force_cache_update:
html = open(full_path, 'r').read()
return html
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
response = opener.open(url)
html = response.read()
if use_cache:
f = open(full_path, 'w')
return html
def parse_post(self, post):
name = post.find(text=lambda t: len(t.strip()) > 0)
pre = post.find('pre')
lang = pre.attrs['class'][0] if pre.has_attr('class') else None
code = pre.find('code').text
user = post.find(class_='user-details').find(text=True)
return {'name':name,'lang':lang,'code':code,'user':user}
def parse_posts(self, html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# Skip the first post
posts = soup.find_all(class_ = 'answercell')
return [self.parse_post(post) for post in posts]
def get_submissions(self, page = 1, force_cache_update = False):
url = "http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/33137/good-versus-evil?page=%i&tab=votes#tab-top" % page
html = self.download_page(url, use_cache = True, force_cache_update = force_cache_update)
submissions = self.parse_posts(html)
return submissions
class Timeout(Exception):
def run(command, timeout=10):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
poll_seconds = .250
deadline = time.time()+timeout
while time.time() < deadline and proc.poll() == None:
if proc.poll() == None:
if float(sys.version[:3]) >= 2.6:
raise Timeout()
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
return stdout, stderr, proc.returncode
def guess_lang(code):
if re.search(r'class .* extends Human', code):
return 'lang-java'
if re.search(r'import sys', code):
return 'lang-python'
if re.search(r'puts', code) and (re.search(r'ARGV', code) or re.search(r'\%w', code)):
return 'lang-ruby'
if re.search(r'console\.log', code):
return 'lang-javascript'
if re.search(r'program', code) and re.search(r'subroutine', code):
return 'lang-fortran'
if re.search(r'@echo off', code):
return 'lang-bash'
return None
def submission_type(lang, code):
submission_types = {
'lang-ruby': RubySubmission,
'lang-python': PythonSubmission,
'lang-py': PythonSubmission,
'lang-java': JavaSubmission,
'lang-Java': JavaSubmission,
'lang-javascript': NodeSubmission,
'lang-cpp': CPPSubmission,
'lang-c': CSubmission,
'lang-lua': LuaSubmission,
'lang-r': RSubmission,
'lang-fortran': FortranSubmission,
'lang-bash': BashSubmission
klass = submission_types.get(lang)
if klass is None:
lang = guess_lang(code)
klass = submission_types.get(lang)
return klass
def instantiate(submission):
lang = submission['lang']
code = submission['code']
name = submission['name']
klass = submission_type(lang, code)
if klass is not None:
instance = klass(name, code)
return instance
print "Entry %s invalid - lang not supported: %s" % (name, lang)
return None
def get_all_instances(force_update):
scraper = Scraper()
print 'Scraping Submissions..'
pages = [1,2,3]
submissions_by_page = [scraper.get_submissions(page=i, force_cache_update=force_update) for i in pages]
submissions = [item for sublist in submissions_by_page for item in sublist]
# Get instances
raw_instances = [instantiate(s) for s in submissions]
instances = [i for i in raw_instances if i]
print "Using %i/%i Submissions" % (len(instances), len(submissions))
return instances
def save_submissions(instances):
print 'Saving Submissions..'
for instance in instances:
def init_game(save=True, force_update=False):
instances = get_all_instances(force_update)
if save:
return instances
def one_run(instances, input):
valid = {
'good': 1,
'evil': 0
disqualified = []
results = []
for instance in instances:
out = instance.run_submission(input)
res = out.strip().lower()
if res not in valid:
return (results, disqualified)
def get_winner(scores, instances):
max_value = max(scores)
max_index = scores.index(max_value)
instance = instances[max_index]
return (instance.name, max_value)
def update_scores(results, scores, minority_counts, minority_num):
for i in range(len(results)):
if results[i] == minority_num:
minority_counts[i] += 1
scores[i] += (minority_counts[i] - 1)
minority_counts[i] = 0
scores[i] += 3
def try_run_game(instances, num_runs = 1000, blacklist = None):
current_input = None
minority_str = None
num_instances = len(instances)
scores = [0] * num_instances
minority_counts = [0] * num_instances
print "Running with %i instances..." % num_instances
for i in range(num_runs):
print "Round: %i - Last minority was %s" % (i, minority_str)
results, disqualified = one_run(instances, current_input)
if len(disqualified) > 0:
for instance in disqualified:
print "Removing %s!" % instance.name
if blacklist is not None:
with open(blacklist, 'a') as f:
f.write("%s\n" % instance.name)
return False
latest_result = "".join(map(str,results))
current_input = "%s,%s" % (current_input, latest_result)
minority_num = 1 if results.count(1) < results.count(0) else 0
minority_str = 'good' if minority_num == 1 else 'evil'
update_scores(results, scores, minority_counts, minority_num)
name, score = get_winner(scores, instances)
print "%s is currently winning with a score of %i" % (name, score)
print "The winner is %s with a score of %i!!!" % (name, score)
return True
def find_instance_by_name(instances, name):
for instance in instances:
if instance.name == name:
return instance
return None
def maybe_add_or_remove_baelish(instances, baelish):
num_instances = len(instances)
if num_instances % 2 == 0:
print 'There are %i instances.' % num_instances
print 'Baelish Removed!'
print 'Baelish Added!'
def remove_blacklisted(blacklist, instances):
blacklisted = []
blacklisted = open(blacklist).readlines()
print 'Removing blacklisted entries...'
for name in blacklisted:
name = name.strip()
instance = find_instance_by_name(instances, name)
if instance is not None:
print 'Removing %s' % name
def run_game(instances, num_runs):
blacklist = 'blacklist.txt'
remove_blacklisted(blacklist, instances)
baelish = find_instance_by_name(instances, 'Petyr Baelish')
maybe_add_or_remove_baelish(instances, baelish)
while not try_run_game(instances, num_runs = num_runs, blacklist = blacklist):
print "Restarting!"
maybe_add_or_remove_baelish(instances, baelish)
print "Done!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
param = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else None
if param == 'get':
instances = init_game(save=True, force_update=True)
elif param == 'run':
instances = init_game(save=False, force_update=False)
num_runs = 50
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
num_runs = int(sys.argv[2])
run_game(instances, num_runs)
self_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
print "usage:"
print "To get the latest code: 'python %s get'" % self_name
print "To run the submissions: 'python %s run <optional num_runs>'" % self_name