05AB1E、175の 174 172 171 160 バイト
形式で入力します[day, month, year]
(タイトルケースが必須の場合は、+ 1バイトを追加できます)。
重要な注意: 05AB1Eには、Dateオブジェクトまたは計算用の組み込み機能はありません。日付に関する唯一の組み込みは、今日の年/月/日/時間/分/秒/マイクロ秒です。
コードの巨大な部分はからコピーされます この以前の05AB1Eのmineの回答ています。これは、以下の説明にも関連します。
¦ # Remove the first item (the days) from the (implicit) input
W # Get the minimum (without popping the list itself)
# (since the year is guaranteed to be above 1599, this is the month)
Θ # Check if its exactly 1 (1 if 1, 0 if in the range [2,31])
1š # Prepend a 1 as list (so we now have either [1,1] or [1,0]
- # Subtract this from the month and year
1š # And prepend a 1 for the day
V # Pop and store this first day of the previous month in variable `Y`
тF # Loop 100 times:
# Calculate the next day in line
# (see the linked challenge above for a detailed explanation of this)
Y # And leave it on the stack
}) # After the loop: wrap the entire stack into a list, which contains our 100 days
DJ # Duplicate the 100 dates, and join the day/month/year together to strings
IJ # Push the input, also joined together
k # Get the 0-based index of the input in this list
# (the joins are necessary, because indexing doesn't work for 2D lists)
18+ # Add 18 to this index (18 instead of 17, because the index is 0-based)
£ # Only leave the first index+18 items from the 100 dates
35.£ # Then only leave the last 35 items
¬ # Get the first date of the list (without popping the list itself)
.•4ιõ÷‡o‹ƶ¸• # Push compressed string "sasumotuwethfr"
2ô # Split it into chunks of size 2
s # Swap to get the first date again
# Calculate the day of the week (sa=0; su=1; ...; fr=6)
# (see the linked challenge above for a detailed explanation of this)
._ # Rotate the list of strings that many times
s # Swap to get the list of dates again
€н # Only leave the first item of each date (the days)
T‰ # Take the divmod 10 of each
J # Join those divmod results together
# (we now have leading 0s for single-digit days)
« # Merge this list together with the header list
7ô # Split it into chunks of size 7
» # Join each inner list by spaces, and then each string by newlines
# (and output the result implicitly)