@u+Gfq2l@GcLTGheGQhB2Q Implicitly append Q and read+eval input to it.
hB2 Take the list [2, 2 + 1].
u Q Put the list in G and apply this Q times:
eG Get last number in G.
h Add one.
f Starting from that, find the first T such that:
cLTG Divide T by each of the numbers in G.
@G Find the quotients that are also in G.
l Get the number of such quotients.
q2 Check that it equals 2.
+G Append that T to G.
@ Q Get the Q'th number in G.
2:3: -- start the list with 2 and 3 and append a call to # with
[2,3] -- the list so far and
#[4..] -- list of candidate elements
l # (a:b) -- l -> list so far, a -> next candidate element, b -> rest c.el.
| [x]<-[...] -- if the list [...] is a singleton list
=a:(a:l#b) -- the result is a followed by a recursive call with l extended
by a and b
| 1<2=l#b -- if it's not a singleton list, drop a and retry with b
-- the [...] list is
[ i<-l,j<-l, -- loop i through l and j through l and whenever
i<j, -- i<j and
i*j==a] -- i*j==a
a| -- add a to the list
ŒcP€ḟ⁸ṢŒgLÞḢḢṭ - Link 1, add the next number: list, a e.g. [2,3,6,12,18,24]
Œc - unordered pairs [[2,3],[2,6],[2,12],[2,18],[2,24],[3,6],[3,12],[3,18],[3,24],[6,12],[6,18],[6,24],[12,18],[12,24],[18,24]]
P€ - product of €ach [6,12,24,36,48,18,36,54,72,72,108,144,216,288,432]
⁸ - chain's left argument, a [2,3,6,12,18,24]
ḟ - filter discard [36,48,36,54,72,72,108,144,216,288,432]
Ṣ - sort [36,36,48,54,72,72,108,144,216,288,432]
Œg - group runs of equal elements [[36,36],[48],[54],[72,72],[108],[144],[216],[288],[432]]
Þ - sort by:
L - length [[48],[54],[108],[144],[216],[288],[432],[36,36],[72,72]]
Ḣ - head [48]
Ḣ - head 48
ṭ - tack to a [2,3,6,12,18,24,48]
2,3Ç¡ị@ - Link: number, i e.g. 7
2,3 - literal [2,3] [2,3]
¡ - repeat i times:
Ç - call last link (1) as a monad [2,3,6,12,18,24,48,54,96]
ị@ - index into with swapped @rguments (with i) 48
r=3:2;for(i in 1:scan())r=c(min((g=(r%o%r)[i:-1<i])[colSums(g%o%g==g*g)+g%in%r<3]),r);r[3]
やっていた、と私はそれをやっていた一方で、あなたは私がお勧めするつもりだった二つの部分を下にgolfed ... +1を
exec't=sorted(x*y for i,x in enumerate(l)for y in l[i+1:]);l+=min(t,key=(l+t).count),;'*n
print l[n]
for($r=[2,3];!$r[$argn];$r[]=$l=min($m)/2){$m=[];foreach($r as$x)foreach($r as$y)($p=$x*$y)<=$l|$y==$x?:$m[$p]+=$p;}echo$r[$argn];
for($r=[2,3];!$r[$argn]; #set the first to items and loop till search item exists
$r[]=$l=min($m)/2){ # add the half of the minimum of found values to the result array
$m=[]; # start with empty array
foreach($r as$x) # loop through result array
foreach($r as$y) # loop through result array
($p=$x*$y)<=$l|$y==$x? # if product is greater as last value and we do multiple two distinct values
:$m[$p]+=$p; # add 2 times or more the product to array so we drop 36 cause it will be 144
echo$r[$argn]; # Output
for($r=[2,3];!$r[$argn];$r[]=$l=min(array_diff_key($m,$d))){$d=$m=[];foreach($r as$x)foreach($r as$y)$x<$y?${dm[$m[$p=$x*$y]<1&$p>$l]}[$p]=$p:0;}echo$r[$argn];
for($r=[2,3];!$r[$argn];$r[]=$l=min(array_diff($m,$d))){$d=$m=[];foreach($r as$x)foreach($r as$y)$x<$y?${dm[!in_array($p=$x*$y,$m)&$p>$l]}[]=$p:0;}echo$r[$argn];
3: % Push [1 2 3]. Initial array of MU numbers, to be extended with more numbers
i: % Input n. Push [1 2 ... n]
" % Do this n times
t % Duplicate array of MU numbers so far
&* % Matrix of pair-wise products
9B % Push 9 in binary, that is, [1 0 0 1]
# % Specify that next function will produce its first and fourth ouputs
u % Unique: pushes unique entries (first output) and their counts (fourth)
2= % True for counts that equal 2
) % Keep only unique entries with count 2
y % Duplicate (from below) array of MU numbers so far
X- % Set difference
X< % Minimum. This is the new MU number
h % Concatenate vertically horizontally to extend the array
] % End
2_ % Push 2 negated, that is, -2
) % Get entry at position -2, that is, third-last. Implicitly display
{(2,3,{first *∉@_,@_.combinations(2).classify({[*]
2, 3, { ... } ... *
は、3番目から始まる各要素が波括弧で区切られたコードブロックによって計算される無限シーケンスです。コードブロックは、slurpy @_
。.classify({ [*] $_ })
製品ごとに各2タプルを分類し、製品がキーで値がその製品を持つ2タプルのリストであるハッシュを生成します。.grep(*.value == 1)
製品を数値順に並べ替えます。first * ∉ @_, ...
f()の各反復で、シーケンスの最後の項mと最初は空の配列bを使用して、次の項を識別します。以前の2つの異なるMU番号の各製品d> mに対して、次のことを行います。
b[d] = b[d] / 0 || d
b[d] | b[d] / 0 | b[d] / 0 || d
undefined | NaN | d
already equal to d | +Infinity | +Infinity
+Infinity | +Infinity | +Infinity
f = (n, a = [2, m = 3]) => // given: n = input, a[] = MU array, m = last term
a[n] || // if a[n] is defined, return it
a.map(c => // else for each value c in a[]:
a.map(d => // and for each value d in a[]:
c < d & // if c is less than d and
(d *= c) > m ? // d = d * c is greater than m:
b[d] = b[d] / 0 || d // b[d] = either d or +Infinity (see 'How?')
: // else:
0 // do nothing
), // end of inner map()
b = [] // initialization of b[]
) | // end of outer map()
f( // do a recursive call:
n, // - with n
a.push( // - push in a[]:
m = b.sort((a, b) => a - b)[0] // m = minimum value of b[]
) && a // and use a[] as the 2nd parameter
) // end of recursive call
a=[2,3];exec'p=[x*y for x in a for y in a if x-y];a+=min(q for q in p if p.count(q)+(q in a)<3),;'*input();print a[-2]
@ Mr.Xcoderと@LeakyNunの改善に感謝します!
p.count(q)-~(q in a)<=3
等価であるp.count(q)+(q in a)<3