HaskellのMOS 6502エミュレーター。機能が含まれます:
- 微妙なPレジスタ処理と、インデックス作成および間接化中のページラップを含むビット精度の実装
- スピンループ検出を使用したメモリマップIO(ホストCPUが入力を待機している間ペグしません)
- 検出の停止(自己へのジャンプ/分岐)
- 正確に200行と6502文字のコードで実装されたCPU
- CPU実装は純粋な状態のモナドです
& ghc -O2 -o z6502min -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fno-warn-missing-signatures Z6502.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Z6502.hs, Z6502.o )
Z6502.hs:173:1: Warning: Defined but not used: `nmi'
Z6502.hs:174:1: Warning: Defined but not used: `irq'
Linking z6502min ...
& ./z6502min ehbasic.bin
6502 EhBASIC [C]old/[W]arm ?
Memory size ?
48383 Bytes free
Enhanced BASIC 2.22
PRINT "Hello World"
Hello World
10 FOR I = 1 TO 10
20 FOR J = 1 TO I
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-- Z6502: a 6502 emulator
-- by Mark Lentczner
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Word
import System.Environment
import System.IO
{- === CPU: 200 lines, 6502 characters === -}
type Addr = Word16
toAd = fromIntegral :: Int -> Addr
addr :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Addr
addr lo hi = fromIntegral hi `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral lo
lohi ad = (fromIntegral ad, fromIntegral $ ad `shiftR` 8)
zeroPage v = addr v 0
index ad idx = ad + fromIntegral (idx :: Word8)
relativeAddr ad off = index ad off - if off > 0x7f then 256 else 0
data Page = Missing | ROM !B.ByteString | RAM !(VU.Vector Word8)
type Memory = V.Vector Page
emptyMemory = V.replicate 256 Missing
fetchByte ad mv = case mv V.! hi of
ROM bs -> B.index bs lo
RAM vs -> vs VU.! lo
_ -> 0
where (hi,lo) = fromIntegral ad `divMod` 256
storeByte ad v mv = case mv V.! hi of
RAM vs -> mv V.// [(hi, RAM $ vs VU.// [(lo, v)])]
_ -> mv
where (hi,lo) = fromIntegral ad `divMod` 256
data S = S { rA, rX, rY, rP, rS :: !Word8, rPC :: !Addr
, mem :: !Memory, busR,busW :: Maybe Addr }
powerOnState = S 0 0 0 0 0 0 emptyMemory Nothing Nothing
[bitN, bitV, bitX, bitB, bitD, bitI, bitZ, bitC] = [7,6..0]
toBit b t v = (if t then setBit else clearBit) v b
toZ v = toBit bitZ (v == 0)
toZN v = toBit bitZ (v == 0) . toBit bitN (testBit v 7)
to67 v = toBit bitV (testBit v 6) . toBit bitN (testBit v 7)
setZN v = modify $ \s -> s { rP = toZN v $ rP s }
setAZN v = modify $ \s -> s { rA = v, rP=toZN v $ rP s }
setXZN v = modify $ \s -> s { rX = v, rP=toZN v $ rP s }
setYZN v = modify $ \s -> s { rY = v, rP=toZN v $ rP s }
setZVNbit (a,v) = modify $ \s -> s { rP = toZ (a .&. v) $ to67 v $ rP s }
setACZVN (c,v,a) = modify $ \s ->
s { rA = a, rP = toBit bitC c $ toBit bitV v $ toZN a $ rP s }
setCZN (c,v) = modify $ \s -> s { rP = toBit bitC c $ toZN v $ rP s }
fetch a = state $ \s -> (fetchByte a $ mem s, s { busR = Just a })
fetchIndirectAddr a0 = do
m <- gets mem
let (lo,hi) = lohi a0
a1 = addr (lo+1) hi
bLo = fetchByte a0 m
bHi = fetchByte a1 m
return $ addr bLo bHi
store a v = modify $ \s -> s { mem = storeByte a v $ mem s, busW = Just a }
clearBus = modify $ \s -> s { busR = Nothing, busW = Nothing }
nextPC = state $ \s -> (rPC s, s { rPC = rPC s + 1 })
fetchPC = nextPC >>= \a -> gets mem >>= return . fetchByte a
adjSP n m = state $ \s -> (addr (rS s + m) 1, s { rS = rS s + n })
push v = adjSP (-1) 0 >>= flip store v
pull = adjSP 1 1 >>= fetch
pushAddr a = let (lo, hi) = lohi a in push hi >> push lo
pullAddr = addr <$> pull <*> pull
pushP fromSW = gets rP >>= push . toBit bitX True . toBit bitB fromSW
pullP = pull >>= \v -> modify $ \s -> s { rP = v .&. 0xCF }
indexX a = gets rX >>= return . index a
indexY a = gets rY >>= return . index a
aZeroX=zeroPage<$>((+)<$>fetchPC<*>gets rX)
aZeroY=zeroPage<$>((+)<$>fetchPC<*>gets rY)
aRel=flip relativeAddr<$>fetchPC<*>gets rPC
decode = V.fromList $ concat $ transpose
,cAlu aIndIdx aIdxInd
,cAlu aZero aZeroX
,cBit aZero aZeroX//(9,iSTX&aZeroY)//(11,iLDX&aZeroY)
,cAlu aImm aAbsY//(8,iErr)
,iTXA,iTXS,iTAX,iTSX,iDEX,iErr,iNOP,iErr ]
,cAlu aAbs aAbsX
,cBit aAbs aAbsX//(9,iErr)//(11,iLDX&aAbsY)
cAlt is e o = is >>= (\i->[i&e,i&o])
cAlu = cAlt [iORA,iAND,iEOR,iADC,iSTA,iLDA,iCMP,iSBC]
cBit = cAlt [iASL,iROL,iLSR,iROR,iSTX,iLDX,iDEC,iINC]
cErr = replicate 16 iErr
is//(n,j) = let (f,_:h) = splitAt n is in f++j:h
loadIns l a = fetch a >>= l
storeIns f a = f >>= store a
aluIns set op ad = do
v <- fetch ad
a <- gets rA
set $ op a v
modIns op a = fetch a >>= op >>= store a
modAccIns op = gets rA >>= op >>= \v -> modify $ \s -> s { rA = v }
stIns b op = modify $ \s -> s { rP = op (rP s) b }
jump a = modify $ \s -> s { rPC = a }
brIns b t = do
a <- aRel
p <- gets rP
when (testBit p b == t) $ jump a
adcOp a b cIn = (cOut, v, s)
h = b + (if cIn then 1 else 0)
s = a + h
cOut = h < b || s < a
v = testBit (a `xor` s .&. b `xor` s) 7
sbcOp a b cIn = adcOp a (complement b) cIn
carryOp f = gets rP >>= setACZVN . f . flip testBit bitC
cmpOp a b = (a >= b, a - b)
shiftOp shifter isRot inBit outBit v = do
s <- get
let newC = testBit v outBit
bitIn = toBit inBit $ isRot && testBit (rP s) bitC
v' = bitIn $ shifter v 1
put s { rP = toBit bitC newC $ toZN v' $ rP s }
return v'
vector a = fetchIndirectAddr a >>= jump
interrupt isBrk pcOffset a = do
gets rPC >>= pushAddr . flip index pcOffset
pushP isBrk
vector a
reset = vector $ toAd 0xFFFC
nmi = interrupt False 0 $ toAd 0xFFFA
irq = interrupt False 0 $ toAd 0xFFFE
[iORA,iAND,iEOR]=aluIns setAZN<$>[(.|.),(.&.),xor]
[iADC,iSBC]=aluIns carryOp<$>[adcOp,sbcOp]
iSTA=storeIns$gets rA
iLDA=loadIns setAZN
iCMP=aluIns setCZN cmpOp
[iCPX,iCPY]=(\r a->gets r>>= \v->fetch a>>=setCZN.cmpOp v)<$>[rX,rY]
[iDEC,iINC]=modIns.(\i v->setZN(v+i)>>return(v+i))<$>[-1,1]
[iDEX,iINX]=(gets rX>>=).(setXZN.).(+)<$>[-1,1]
[iDEY,iINY]=(gets rY>>=).(setYZN.).(+)<$>[-1,1]
shOps=[shiftOp d r b(7-b)|(d,b)<-[(shiftL,0),(shiftR,7)],r<-[False,True]]
iBIT=aluIns setZVNbit(,)
iBRK=interrupt True 1 $ toAd 0xFFFE
iJSR a=gets rPC>>=pushAddr.(-1+)>>jump a
iPHP=pushP True
iPHA=gets rA>>=push
iNOP=return ()
[iTAX,iTAY]=(gets rA>>=)<$>[setXZN,setYZN]
iTXS=modify $ \s -> s { rS=rX s }
iTSX=gets rS>>=setXZN
iErr=gets rPC>>=jump.(-1+)
executeOne = clearBus >> fetchPC >>= (decode V.!) . fromIntegral
{- === END OF CPU === -}
{- === MOTHERBOARD === -}
buildMemory rom =
loadRAM 0xF0 1 $ loadRAM 0x00 ramSize $ loadROM romStart rom $ emptyMemory
ramSize = 256 - (B.length rom `div` 256)
romStart = fromIntegral ramSize
loadRAM p0 n = (V.// zip [p0..] (map RAM $ replicate n ramPage))
ramPage = VU.replicate 256 0
loadROM p0 bs = (V.// zip [p0..] (map ROM $ romPages bs))
romPages b = case B.length b of
l | l == 0 -> []
| l < 256 -> [b `B.append` B.replicate (256 - l) 0]
| l == 256 -> [b]
| otherwise -> let (b0,bn) = B.splitAt 256 b in b0 : romPages bn
main = getArgs >>= go
go [romFile] = B.readFile romFile >>= exec . buildState . buildMemory
go _ = putStrLn "agument should be a single ROM file"
buildState m = execState reset (powerOnState { mem = m })
exec s0 = do
stopIO <- startIO
loop (0 :: Int) s0
loop n s = do
let pcsp = (rPC s, rS s)
(n',s') <- processIO n (execState executeOne s)
let pcsp' = (rPC s', rS s')
if pcsp /= pcsp'
then (loop $! n') $! s'
else do
putStrLn $ "Execution snagged at " ++ show (fst pcsp')
startIO = do
ibuf <- hGetBuffering stdin
obuf <- hGetBuffering stdout
iecho <- hGetEcho stdin
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
return $ do
hSetEcho stdin iecho
hSetBuffering stdin ibuf
hSetBuffering stdout obuf
putStr "\n\n"
processIO n s = do
when (busW s == Just outPortAddr) $ do
let c = fetchByte outPortAddr $ mem s
when (c /= 0) $ hPutChar stdout $ toEnum $ fromIntegral c
if (busR s == Just inPortAddr)
then do
r <- if n < 16
then hWaitForInput stdin 50
else hReady stdin
c <- if r then (fromIntegral . fromEnum) <$> hGetChar stdin else return 0
let c' = if c == 0xA then 0xD else c
let s' = s { mem = storeByte inPortAddr c' $ mem s }
return (0,s')
else return (n+1,s)
inPortAddr = toAd 0xF004
outPortAddr = toAd 0xF001