Python、302 287バイト
Dead Possumはすでに短いPythonicソリューションを投稿しているので、追加の賞賛に行くことにしました。このソリューションでは、すべての順列が生成されるわけではありません。かなり大きな文字列の置換インデックスを迅速に計算できます。また、空の文字列も正しく処理します。
from math import factorial as f
from itertools import groupby as g
def p(t,b=''):
if len(t)<2:return 0
z,b=0,b or sorted(t)
for i,c in enumerate(b):
if c==t[0]:return z+p(t[1:],w)
if i<1 or c!=b[i-1]:
for _,v in g(w):n//=f(len(list(v)))
def lexico_permute_string(s):
''' Generate all permutations of `s` in lexicographic order '''
a = sorted(s)
n = len(a) - 1
while True:
yield ''.join(a)
for j in range(n-1, -1, -1):
if a[j] < a[j + 1]:
v = a[j]
for k in range(n, j, -1):
if v < a[k]:
a[j], a[k] = a[k], a[j]
a[j+1:] = a[j+1:][::-1]
def test_all(base):
for i, s in enumerate(lexico_permute_string(base)):
rank = p(s)
assert rank == i, (i, s, rank)
print('{:2} {} {:2}'.format(i, s, rank))
print(repr(base), 'ok\n')
for base in ('AAB', 'abbbbc'):
def test(s):
print('{!r}\n{}\n'.format(s, p(s)))
for s in ('ZZZ', 'DCBA', 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'):
0 AAB 0
1 ABA 1
2 BAA 2
'AAB' ok
0 abbbbc 0
1 abbbcb 1
2 abbcbb 2
3 abcbbb 3
4 acbbbb 4
5 babbbc 5
6 babbcb 6
7 babcbb 7
8 bacbbb 8
9 bbabbc 9
10 bbabcb 10
11 bbacbb 11
12 bbbabc 12
13 bbbacb 13
14 bbbbac 14
15 bbbbca 15
16 bbbcab 16
17 bbbcba 17
18 bbcabb 18
19 bbcbab 19
20 bbcbba 20
21 bcabbb 21
22 bcbabb 22
23 bcbbab 23
24 bcbbba 24
25 cabbbb 25
26 cbabbb 26
27 cbbabb 27
28 cbbbab 28
29 cbbbba 29
'abbbbc' ok
'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
''' Determine the rank (lexicographic index) of a permutation
The permutation may contain repeated items
Written by PM 2Ring 2017.04.03
from math import factorial as fac
from itertools import groupby
def lexico_permute_string(s):
''' Generate all permutations of `s` in lexicographic order '''
a = sorted(s)
n = len(a) - 1
while True:
yield ''.join(a)
for j in range(n-1, -1, -1):
if a[j] < a[j + 1]:
v = a[j]
for k in range(n, j, -1):
if v < a[k]:
a[j], a[k] = a[k], a[j]
a[j+1:] = a[j+1:][::-1]
def perm_count(s):
''' Count the total number of permutations of sorted sequence `s` '''
n = fac(len(s))
for _, g in groupby(s):
n //= fac(sum(1 for u in g))
return n
def perm_rank(target, base):
''' Determine the permutation rank of string `target`
given the rank zero permutation string `base`,
i.e., the chars in `base` are in lexicographic order.
if len(target) < 2:
return 0
total = 0
head, newtarget = target[0], target[1:]
for i, c in enumerate(base):
newbase = base[:i] + base[i+1:]
if c == head:
return total + perm_rank(newtarget, newbase)
elif i and c == base[i-1]:
total += perm_count(newbase)
base = 'abcccdde'
print('total number', perm_count(base))
for i, s in enumerate(lexico_permute_string(base)):
rank = perm_rank(s, base)
assert rank == i, (i, s, rank)
#print('{:2} {} {:2}'.format(i, s, rank))
約 lexico_permute_string
Narayana Panditaによるこのアルゴリズムはからのものです
シーケンスの辞書式順序で次の順列を生成するには a
- a [j] <a [j + 1]となるような最大のインデックスjを見つけます。そのようなインデックスが存在しない場合、順列は最後の順列です。
- a [j] <a [k]となるように、jより大きい最大のインデックスkを見つけます。
- a [j]の値をa [k]の値と交換します。
- a [j + 1]から最後の要素a [n]までのシーケンスを逆にします。
def perm_unrank(rank, base, head=''):
''' Determine the permutation with given rank of the
rank zero permutation string `base`.
if len(base) < 2:
return head + ''.join(base)
total = 0
for i, c in enumerate(base):
if i < 1 or c != base[i-1]:
newbase = base[:i] + base[i+1:]
newtotal = total + perm_count(newbase)
if newtotal > rank:
return perm_unrank(rank - total, newbase, head + c)
total = newtotal
# Test
target = 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
base = ''.join(sorted(target))
rank = perm_rank(target, base)
print(perm_unrank(rank, base))
a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
def counts(base):
for i, c in enumerate(base):
newbase = base[:i] + base[i+1:]
if newbase and (i < 1 or c != base[i-1]):
yield c, perm_count(newbase)
for h, k in counts(newbase):
yield c + h, k
def show_counts(base):
TAB = ' ' * 4
for s, t in counts(base):
d = len(s) - 1
print('{}{} {}'.format(TAB * d, s, t))
# Test
base = 'abccc'
print('total number', perm_count(base))
a 4
ab 1
abc 1
abcc 1
ac 3
acb 1
acbc 1
acc 2
accb 1
accc 1
b 4
ba 1
bac 1
bacc 1
bc 3
bca 1
bcac 1
bcc 2
bcca 1
bccc 1
c 12
ca 3
cab 1
cabc 1
cac 2
cacb 1
cacc 1
cb 3
cba 1
cbac 1
cbc 2
cbca 1
cbcc 1
cc 6
cca 2
ccab 1
ccac 1
ccb 2
ccba 1
ccbc 1
ccc 2
ccca 1
cccb 1