ただし、Folder Actionsまたはlaunchdを使用してシミュレートできますが、どちらも完璧ではありません。
set dpath to "/some/path/test/"
set qdpath to quoted form of dpath
set listname to "MyList"
set adpath to (POSIX file dpath as alias)
# Get audio files in selected folder
# -- alas no recursive search results without a lot more code... :(
# -- or use mdfind or other command line tool using `do shell script...`
set afiles to {}
tell application "Finder"
repeat with ext in {".mp3", ".m4a"}
set l to (every file in adpath whose name contains ext)
repeat with f in l
set end of afiles to (f as alias)
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
if not (user playlist listname exists) then
make new user playlist with properties {name:listname}
end if
# Built a list of existing list tracks so we don't have duplicates...
set itracks to {}
set itracks to (get location of every track in playlist listname)
end try
set view of window 1 to playlist listname
# Add not already in playlist
repeat with afile in afiles
if afile is not in itracks then
set tid to (add afile to playlist listname)
end try
end if
end repeat
# Remove any tracks from the itunes playlist not in the folder
# and from the iTunes database else they still show up as invalid tracks...
set iItems to (every track in playlist listname)
set iLib to library playlist named "Library"
repeat with iItem in iItems
set loc to location of iItem
if loc is not in afiles then
set pid to persistent ID of iItem
log "Removing: " & loc
# Thanks Doug Adams, it was driving me nuts....
delete (some file track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is pid)
end try
delay 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
フォルダーへのファイルの追加と削除に反応するのを見るのは実際に楽しいです。楽しい.... :)
www.macissues.com/2015/02/02/how-to-use-launchagents-to-monitor-folder-contents-in-os-x/ apple.stackexchange.com/questions/6658/